In 2020, Vionna Wai, 30, and her husband, Chucky Hui, 29, moved into a two-family home in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, with his parents. The couple pays $1,600 a month for their one-bedroom, one-bath apartment on the second floor, while Hui’s parents cover the rest of the $3,500 monthly rent and live on the first floor. Despite the fact that 16% of U.S. millennials lived with their parents in 2022, Wai and Hui have a unique living situation due to their extensive collection of 150 houseplants and two cats, Mi and Ding. Wai, who works as a construction engineer, finds comfort and relaxation in caring for her plants, viewing it as a form of self-care that helps her focus on the present moment.

For Wai, her plant collection is not just a hobby but a source of joy and tranquility in her daily life. She spends approximately 30 minutes a week watering the plants and conducts pest control as needed, emphasizing that plants require little maintenance as long as they receive water, sunlight, and love. While some may find 150 plants overwhelming, Wai views them as essential elements of her home environment, providing a calming and lively atmosphere after a fast-paced workday. She believes that plants are often overlooked as living beings that thrive on the care and attention they receive, demonstrating how much love they give back in return.

One of the most valuable plants in Wai’s collection is a Phildendrom Florida Beauty that she purchased for $350 during the pandemic, sharing the cost with a friend to propagate the plant. Despite initial fears of the plant dying, Wai found immense joy in nurturing it back to health and sharing the experience with others. As pet owners, Wai and Hui have created a designated “cat jungle corner” with cat-friendly plants, ensuring that their 10-year-old cat, Mi, and five-year-old cat, Ding, can coexist safely with the flora. By using cat repellant and keeping toxic plants out of reach, the couple has successfully integrated their pets into their plant-filled home.

While Wai and Hui have embraced plant parenthood in every area of their apartment except the bedroom, they have tailored their plant setup to be renter-friendly, taking their current living situation into consideration. Looking ahead, Wai dreams of owning a greenhouse in the countryside, envisioning a tranquil life in Japan with a beautiful array of plants surrounding her. By prioritizing self-care through her plant collection and creating a harmonious environment for her family and pets, Wai demonstrates the therapeutic and rewarding effects of cultivating a love for nature within the home. By finding peace and solace amidst the chaos of daily life, she advocates for the simple yet profound practice of caring for plants as a means of finding balance and joy.

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