IDF soldier Shalom Shitrit survived a terror attack on Israel on Oct. 7 and lost his leg in the process. He shared his story in Connecticut, revealing his journey of pain and grief, as well as his strengthened faith. Shitrit described the events of that day, which resulted in the loss of many lives, including that of a 74-year-old grandmother who dedicated her life to helping others. Despite the trauma, Shitrit has found hope and faith in God.

Shitrit’s commander, Tomer Barak, spotted a terrorist during the attack, which prompted Shitrit to take action. He faced the terrorists head-on, resulting in injuries and the loss of many of his comrades. Despite the chaos and danger, Shitrit showed remarkable strength and resilience, ultimately surviving the attack. He underwent multiple surgeries and experienced symptoms of PTSD but found solace in being surrounded by other wounded soldiers who understood his pain.

The survivors of the attack, including Shitrit, received care and support at a treatment center in Israel associated with the nonprofit organization Belev Echad. The center offers various therapies and services to help wounded soldiers recover from physical and emotional trauma. Shitrit also started an initiative called Kamim Mehadash to support other survivors and inspire unity among the Jewish people.

Shitrit’s story has inspired many, with audiences moved to tears and cheers as he shared his experiences and message of unity. He emphasized the importance of coming together, especially in the face of political and religious divisions. Shitrit expressed gratitude to Americans who support Israel and visit to volunteer, highlighting the heartwarming impact of their actions. His journey of pain, loss, and faith serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience and strength of the human spirit.

Through his speeches and initiatives, Shitrit continues to uplift and inspire others, sharing his story in hopes of bringing healing and unity. His perseverance in the face of tragedy, and his dedication to helping others, is a testament to the power of faith and community support. Shitrit’s message of unity and gratitude resonates with audiences around the world, reminding us of the importance of coming together in times of adversity and strife.

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