The controversy surrounding female members of Indonesia’s flag-raising troop, known as Paskibraka, being instructed to remove their hijabs during their debut show has been clarified by the Presidential Secretariat. The Secretariat chief has allowed hijab-wearing members to continue wearing their hijabs during the Independence Day ceremony in Nusantara on Aug 17. The decision to restrict hijab use drew criticism from the public, as it was noticed that all hijab-wearing Paskibraka members did not wear the Islamic garb during their induction ceremony.

The Pancasila Ideology Development Agency, a government agency tasked with preserving Pancasila, the state ideology, was responsible for ordering Paskibraka members to remove their hijabs while on duty. The agency justified its decision by citing uniformity, despite past Paskibraka troops being permitted to wear the hijab. However, the Presidential Secretariat clarified that female Paskibraka members can continue wearing the hijab during the Independence Day ceremony.

The Paskibraka is an elite squad made up of high-school youths selected from all over Indonesia, whose task is to escort, raise, and lower the national flag at Independence Day ceremonies. It was revealed that there are 18 hijab-wearing members in the current group. The members wore their hijabs during the dress rehearsal for the upcoming Independence Day ceremony in Nusantara, with the Secretariat endorsing their decision to continue wearing the hijab while on duty.

The Indonesian Ulema Council, a high-ranking religious organization, expressed dismay over the initial rule forbidding female Paskibraka members from wearing the hijab. MUI’s deputy chairman stated that the decision not only disregarded human rights but also insulted the Constitution of Indonesia and the teachings of Islam. For Muslim women, wearing the hijab is considered an act of worship, and prohibiting them from wearing it was seen as disrespectful and insulting.

The controversy surrounding the hijab-wearing Paskibraka members has sparked a debate about religious freedom and uniformity within the group. The decision to allow hijab-wearing members to continue wearing their headscarves during the Independence Day ceremony was welcomed by many, as it respected their religious beliefs and upheld their rights. Moving forward, it is important for organizations like the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency to consider diversity and inclusivity in their policies to avoid similar controversies in the future.

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