The risk of cardiovascular disease has long been associated with factors like high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, smoking, and diabetes. However, a new contributor to this risk has emerged in recent years, known as clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP). While there is no specific treatment available to address this risk factor yet, the discovery sheds light on why some individuals develop cardiovascular disease despite not having the typical risk factors. Research has shown that around 15% of people who have had serious heart attacks do not check the boxes for modifiable risk factors like smoking and high cholesterol.
CHIP arises from genetic mutations in stem cells located in the bone marrow. These mutations allow certain stem cells to gain an advantage in self-renewal over time. As these cells multiply and replace other cells in the bone marrow, the genetic errors can be passed on to blood and immune cells. Studies in animals suggest that CHIP is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, with individuals having nearly double the risk of developing heart disease compared to those without CHIP. This increased risk is comparable to factors like high blood pressure and smoking.
Studies on mice have shown that CHIP contributes to inflammation and accelerates the buildup of fat-laden plaques in arterial walls, a process known as atherosclerosis. This can lead to heart attacks and other cardiovascular issues. While the exact mechanisms of how CHIP impacts inflammation and atherosclerosis are still being studied, researchers believe that targeting this pathway could offer new avenues for treatment. By understanding how CHIP influences cardiovascular disease development, researchers hope to identify potential therapies to mitigate its impact.
The genetic errors linked to CHIP are acquired over time and are not inherited. The prevalence of CHIP increases with age, with a greater proportion of cells carrying mutations associated with higher risk for health issues. While many individuals have CHIP at low levels, those with a higher degree of CHIP may face an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Research has shown that mutations in genes linked to CHIP, particularly those involved in regulating other genes or responding to genetic damage, can lead to an advantage in a cell’s ability to renew itself.
The relationship between CHIP and cardiovascular disease has prompted further investigation into potential treatment options. Studies have explored the impact of targeted therapies on reducing inflammation associated with CHIP, with promising results in animal models. Clinical trials have also shown that individuals with specific gene mutations tied to CHIP may benefit more from anti-inflammatory treatments. While more research is needed to fully understand the role of CHIP in cardiovascular disease, these findings offer hope for future treatment strategies.
Overall, the discovery of CHIP as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease provides valuable insights into the complexities of heart health. By unraveling the connections between genetic mutations, inflammation, and atherosclerosis, researchers aim to develop targeted interventions to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease. While testing for CHIP is not yet commonplace, continued research in this field may offer new solutions for individuals at risk of developing heart-related issues.