Beth Smith, a member of the Washoe County School Board in Reno, Nevada, has faced extreme harassment and threats since joining the board. A study by Princeton University found a 55% increase in harassment and threats towards local officials in the past two years, with women and people of color often bearing the brunt of the hostility. Local officials, who are closest to their communities and constituents, are more vulnerable to such behavior, as they are easily identifiable and accessible to those who wish to cause harm. Shannon Hiller, the executive director of the Bridging Divides Initiative at Princeton University, notes that much of this increased hostility is “lawful but awful,” meaning that while not always illegal, it can have a negative impact on democracy by dissuading officials from public service and disrupting local democratic processes.

Despite the inherently vulnerable position of local officials, they often lack the security infrastructure in place to address harassment and threats. The CBS News investigation uncovered numerous instances of harassment against local officials across the country, from city managers and mayors to county clerks and commissioners. Examples include a man protesting in front of a city manager’s house with a rifle, a partial pipe bomb thrown into a county clerk’s house, and a threatening package containing a noose sent to a Texas mayor. In Washoe County, local elections have seen a spike in harassment towards officials, with incidents like GPS trackers being found on cars and surveillance by private investigators. Wealthy local political activist Robert Beadles has been suspected of involvement in surveilling local politicians, though he denies these claims.

Beadles has targeted Beth Smith, a school board member, with harassment that includes detailing her divorce and posting altered images of her dressed as the grim reaper. Smith, who has battled cancer, finds these attacks particularly distressing and sees them as attempts to intimidate her into stopping her work. Beadles has defended his actions, saying that those running for office should be able to handle criticism and that he is simply telling the truth about them. The political climate in Washoe County, particularly around the school board, has become increasingly contentious, with the Washoe County GOP prioritizing school board races as they believe it has a significant impact on the community. Despite the challenges she faces, Smith remains determined to continue her work, stating that she has overcome cancer and will not be deterred by harassment.

The harassment faced by local officials, as highlighted in the CBS News investigation, poses a significant threat to democracy by discouraging public engagement and disrupting the democratic process at the local level. While some of this behavior may not be illegal, it can still have severe consequences for those targeted, leading to mental and emotional distress as well as potential physical harm. As local officials are often part of the frontline of democracy, engaging directly with their communities, their vulnerability to harassment and threats is a concerning trend. Efforts to address this issue, such as increasing security measures and implementing policies to protect officials, are crucial in safeguarding democracy at the local level.

The data from the Princeton University study and the CBS News investigation serve as a warning about the rise in threats and harassment towards local officials, indicating a potential for more severe violence. It is essential to address this issue proactively to prevent further escalation and protect those who are serving their communities in public office. By acknowledging the challenges faced by local officials and working towards solutions that ensure their safety and well-being, communities can uphold the principles of democracy and ensure that all individuals can participate in the political process without fear of reprisal. Ultimately, the resilience and determination shown by public officials like Beth Smith in the face of adversity are a testament to the importance of safeguarding democracy and protecting those who serve their communities.

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