An estimated twenty center-left deputies have founded a “social-democratic collective” in the French National Assembly. The goal of this collective is to bring visibility to their left-wing sensibilities within the Assembly. Stella Dupont, who was previously a member of the left wing of Macron’s party before joining the non-aligned, explained during a press conference that their aim is to represent a left that is capable of governing and to maintain distance from La France insoumise and the logic of alliances with the Nouveau Front populaire.

While not officially recognized as a political group, members of the social-democratic collective have been meeting every Wednesday since the start of the parliamentary session to work on common amendments to the current budget bill. These amendments focus on a more equitable distribution of efforts to improve public finances. Signatories include current members of the Ensemble pour la République group as well as non-aligned deputies. The collective also aims to recruit at least fifteen more deputies to form a distinct parliamentary group.

In addition to Stella Dupont and Sacha Houlié, other members of the collective include deputies from various groups such as MoDem and LIOT. The ultimate goal of the social-democratic collective is to become a cohesive group capable of participating in coalitions, with the intention of offering an alternative to the current government led by Michel Barnier in the future. They seek to embody a left-wing government alternative for when the current government eventually falls.

The formation of this social-democratic collective highlights a growing desire within the French center-left to create a cohesive and visible presence within the National Assembly. By coming together to work on common amendments and eventually forming a distinct parliamentary group, these deputies aim to provide an alternative to the current government and represent a left that is ready to govern. The collective’s ambition to recruit more members and participate in future coalitions indicates a potential shift in the French political landscape.

Members of the social-democratic collective are united by their belief in the need for a left-wing government alternative in France. By emphasizing the importance of governing and distancing themselves from certain left-wing factions, they hope to position themselves as a credible option for when the current government falls. The collaborative efforts of the collective in drafting and presenting common amendments demonstrate their commitment to working together to address key issues related to public finances and equitable distribution of resources.

With the inclusion of deputies from various political groups, the social-democratic collective represents a diverse range of perspectives within the French center-left. By working together towards a common goal of creating a viable left-wing government alternative, these deputies are positioning themselves as a force to be reckoned with in the National Assembly. The collective’s future plans to expand and participate in coalitions signal a potential shift in French politics, as they seek to offer voters a compelling alternative to the current government.

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