In Urbino, a town with fewer than 15,000 inhabitants, the incumbent mayor Maurizio Gambini has been re-elected for a third term in the recent runoff election. This victory marks a triple win for the center-right coalition in the region of Marche, as they also secured victories in the second round of voting in Osimo and Recanati, both of which were previously governed by the center-left. The president of the region, Francesco Acquaroli, congratulated the newly elected mayors from the center-right, stating that their success in these elections reflects the positive trend for the coalition in Marche and validates their governance policies.

The re-elected mayor of Urbino, who has been in office since June 8, 2014, shared his gratitude and excitement for the confidence placed in him by the voters. He described it as a unique emotion and a great honor, highlighting the significance of their victory. The success of the center-right in these local elections further strengthens their position and determination to continue making changes in the region. With victories in various other municipalities in the region, the coalition sees these results as a confirmation of the effectiveness of their governance.

The issue of the third term candidacy for Mayor Gambini has caused some controversy, prompting four private citizens to challenge the legality of allowing a third term for the mayor of Urbino. This challenge has reached the attention of the President of Italy, Sergio Mattarella, and is being evaluated by the Council of State. Despite the legal battle, Gambini managed to secure victory in the election, defeating his opponent by 505 votes and obtaining 53.08% of the votes, compared to his rival’s 46.92% from the center-left coalition.

In addition to Urbino, the center-right coalition also emerged victorious in Osimo and Recanati, further solidifying their hold on the region of Marche. The newly elected mayors in these municipalities, Francesco Pirani and Emanuele Pepa, join a list of successful center-right candidates in other towns such as Ascoli Piceno, Fano, and Potenza Picena. Their victories are seen as part of a broader trend that confirms the strength and support for the center-right policies and governance in the region. The president of Marche, Francesco Acquaroli, lauded the achievements and stated that these results will motivate them to continue working towards positive change in the region.

The outcome of the local elections in Marche reflects a broader trend of success for the center-right coalition in the region. With victories in Urbino, Osimo, and Recanati, the coalition has solidified its position in various municipalities, signaling widespread support for their governance policies. The legal challenge to Mayor Gambini’s candidacy for a third term highlights the complexities and controversies surrounding the electoral process, but despite this, the coalition’s victories indicate a strong mandate and endorsement from the voters. The newly elected mayors from the center-right are poised to continue their work towards positive change and development in their respective towns, building on their successes in these local elections.

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