A demonstration was held in Paris on June 1, 2024, organized by Urgence Palestine, Urgence Kanaky, and the Committee for Clément. The march was opened by a small group of black blocs paying tribute to Clément Méric, an anti-fascist activist who died eleven years ago in a clash with skinheads. The procession, called by the Committee for Clément and joined by Urgence Palestine and Urgence Kanaky, was largely dominated by supporters of Palestine, with an estimated 22,000 people marching from Place de la République to Place Gambetta.

The participants included students, especially young women from North African backgrounds, as well as very young girls with few veils but many keffiyehs. Despite the rain, the march was described as larger and younger than usual, with more energy and enthusiasm. Many noted that there were more people in attendance compared to previous demonstrations against the Israeli response, particularly since the beginning of the law on “global security” and the law on pensions in 2023.

The demonstration did not feature any prominent figures or elected officials in the lead group, only a few banners from far-left groups and the occasional presence of “unsubmissive” deputies wearing tricolor scarves. Chants such as “Israel get out” resonated through the streets, as well as messages of support for politicians like Rima Hassan and the LFI deputies who have shown solidarity with the Palestinian cause. The recent suspension of a LFI deputy, Sébastien Delogu, for displaying a Palestinian flag in the National Assembly was also mentioned.

The ongoing Israeli offensive in Rafah, a city in southern Gaza, did not feature prominently in the slogans of the march, but the spontaneous protests that had been occurring in response to the situation found a platform to continue their expression. The chants of “Free Palestine”, “Long live the struggle of the Palestinian people”, and “Israel assassin, Macron accomplice” echoed through the streets, as the speakers highlighted recent victories such as the expulsion of Israel from the Eurosatory arms fair.

The demonstration reflected a strong show of solidarity with the Palestinian cause, with participants expressing support for the ongoing struggles and resistance against Israeli occupation and aggression. The energy and enthusiasm of the crowd, particularly the young participants, pointed towards a growing awareness and mobilization around issues of social justice and solidarity. Despite the rain and inclement weather, the march was characterized by a sense of determination and unity among those advocating for justice and freedom for Palestine.

The demonstration also raised awareness about the role of political leaders and lawmakers in supporting or hindering the cause of Palestine. The presence of deputies from the “unsubmissive” party and speeches in support of politicians who have taken a stand in solidarity with Palestine highlighted the importance of political advocacy in advancing the cause of justice and human rights. Overall, the demonstration served as a platform for diverse voices to come together and express their support for the Palestinian cause, calling for an end to Israeli aggression and occupation, and advocating for solidarity and justice for the people of Palestine.

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