The president of the Spanish far-right party Vox, Santiago Abascal, held a meeting at the Vistalegre Palace in Madrid on May 19, 2024. The event was attended by leaders from Europe and beyond, in response to an invitation from Vox. The crowd at the event chanted “liberty” repeatedly and booed at words like “wokeism,” “globalism,” and “socialism” mentioned in the speeches. Approximately 10,000 people gathered at the venue, with flags waving and thunderous applause welcoming the far-right leaders.

Prior to the grand meeting, Vox was part of the discussions held by the European Conservatives and Reformists group on topics such as freedom against cancel culture, criminal leftism, conservative alternatives to illegal immigration, and Christian-Judeo tourism. The goal of this meeting, named Viva 24, was to launch campaigns for the upcoming European elections on June 9. President of Vox, Santiago Abascal, aimed to forge a global alliance among patriots to counter socialist globalism, woke totalitarianism, and feminist supremacism, as far-right parties were expected to see an increase in the European elections.

Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Rally in France and a member of the Identity and Democracy group in the European Parliament, also attended the event at Vistalegre. She emphasized the need to make June 9 a day of deliverance and hope, warning against the transformation of the European Union into a centralized super-state. Le Pen echoed the anti-immigration sentiments expressed by many at the event, highlighting the challenges of illegal immigration and the loss of state authority in certain regions of France due to mass migration.

André Ventura, the president of the Portuguese party Chega and a member of the Identity and Democracy group, advocated for strong borders to combat Islamic and Muslim immigration. He described the far-right parties present at the event as the last hope for the future of civilization, emphasizing the need to preserve European values and culture. With the rise of far-right parties across Europe, the rhetoric at the meeting focused on the protection of national identities and the rejection of globalist ideologies.

The event at Vistalegre showcased a growing alliance among far-right parties in Europe, with leaders coming together to address common concerns such as immigration, cultural preservation, and opposition to left-wing policies. The speeches given by leaders like Santiago Abascal, Marine Le Pen, and André Ventura highlighted the need for unity among patriots to counter the perceived threats of globalism and woke ideologies. As the European elections approached, the far-right parties aimed to mobilize support and present a united front against mainstream political forces.

Overall, the Vistalegre meeting served as a platform for far-right leaders to rally their supporters and outline their vision for the future of Europe. The emphasis on themes like liberty, strong borders, and cultural heritage resonated with the audiences, who expressed their solidarity and support for the nationalist movements. With the rise of far-right parties across Europe, the event signaled a growing trend towards nationalist and populist ideologies, challenging the status quo of mainstream politics in the region.

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