During his speech in Bormes-les-Mimosas in Var on Saturday, August 17th, President Emmanuel Macron called for unity on the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the town. He urged people to remain faithful to the spirit of fraternity and engagement of those who participated in the Provence landing. Macron emphasized the importance of not giving in to division and remaining a nation capable of overcoming the fate of destiny and standing in solidarity with all who want to remain free. This speech came ahead of a meeting at the Elysée on August 23rd with party leaders and parliamentary groups, signalling a potential political initiative that could lead to the appointment of a new prime minister.

Recalling the efforts of the French who assisted in the Provence landing 80 years ago, Macron spoke of those willing to sacrifice for the universal idea of their nation and its hope for humanity and progress. He stated that this legacy obliges us to honor their sacrifices. Macron called on the French to rise to the level of those who fought for their freedom and concluded by highlighting the strength and unity of France, a great country and people that must be passed on stronger and more united. He acknowledged the contributions of individuals from Odessa, Europe, North Africa, the Maghreb, Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific to the liberation of France during World War II.

Two days prior, at the international cemetery in Boulouris, Saint-Raphaël, Macron paid tribute to the diverse army that landed on the Var beaches 80 years ago. He mentioned soldiers with names like François, Boudjema, Harry, Pierre, and Niakara, highlighting the participation of spahis, goumiers, African tirailleurs, Antilleans, and Pacific marines who had never set foot on French soil before being sent to help liberate the country. Macron emphasized the significance of these individuals in the history of France and their vital role in the country’s liberation.

Overall, Macron’s speeches and gestures during the commemorations of the Provence landing highlighted the importance of unity, remembrance, and honoring the sacrifices made for freedom and democracy during World War II. By expressing gratitude to the diverse group of individuals who contributed to the liberation of France, Macron aimed to reinforce the values of solidarity, inclusivity, and respect for history within French society. The commemorative events served as a reminder of the courage and determination of those who fought for freedom and democracy, urging current generations to uphold these ideals and strive for a more united and inclusive society.

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