The Biden administration has submitted a special funding request to congressional committees in order to boost funding for the US Secret Service in the lead-up to and following the 2024 election. The Office of Management and Budget sent this request after an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump in July, warning of “insufficient resources” for the agency if the request is not granted. The request is part of efforts to negotiate a deal with Congress to fund the government through a continuing resolution lasting at least through the election.

The funding request does not specify the exact amount needed but calls for more flexible language that allows the Department of Homeland Security to provide funding as needed to sustain and enhance protective operations during the election period. Such requests are common ahead of negotiations over short-term government funding and serve as warnings that certain programs could be under-resourced if previous year’s funding levels are maintained. In the past, such requests have been bundled with supplemental funding for disaster relief, Covid-19, and military aid for Ukraine, making them politically challenging on Capitol Hill.

The proposed language for enhanced Secret Service funding through the 2024 election has appeared in a Republican-sponsored funding bill, indicating potential bipartisan support for the effort. President Biden has expressed his belief in the need for additional resources for the Secret Service to handle an elevated threat environment for political candidates. He emphasized the need for more agents, protection, and expanded availability of help, citing the heightened security climate and the impact it has had on his own campaigning style. Biden described the current environment as “frightening” and highlighted the importance of adequate protection for political candidates.

The Biden administration’s push for increased Secret Service funding comes in response to security concerns raised by the assassination attempt on former President Trump. The administration is seeking additional resources to ensure the safety and security of political candidates during the 2024 election and beyond. The request for enhanced funding is expected to be part of negotiations for a short-term government funding package that will last through the election. The proposed language for funding has garnered support from Republicans, indicating a potential bipartisan agreement on the need for increased resources for the Secret Service.

President Biden’s radio interview highlighted his concerns about the current security environment and the need for more personnel and resources for the Secret Service. He emphasized the importance of expanding protection and assistance to ensure the safety of political candidates in light of increased security threats. Biden’s comments reflect a broader effort by the administration to address security challenges and enhance protective operations for the Secret Service during the upcoming election cycle. The push for increased funding underscores the administration’s commitment to ensuring the safety and security of political candidates and public officials in the face of evolving security threats.

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