The author shares her experience of having her Facebook account suspended due to a fake Instagram account linked to her profile. Despite her efforts to appeal the suspension, she found herself locked out of her accounts and unable to access her extensive network of friends and followers. She reached out to CEO Mark Zuckerberg for help but received no response. Various individuals claiming to be able to help fix the issue for a fee also approached her, but she heeded warnings from her brother not to engage with them.

Having relied heavily on social media for networking and promotion of her writing career, the author felt lost without her virtual connections. She had built a sizable following across different platforms over the years, and losing access to all of that overnight was a devastating blow. She reflects on her attachment to social media and the addictive nature of seeking validation through likes and shares. The loss forced her to reconsider her dependence on virtual connections and the impact it was having on her mental health.

The author delves into her history with technology, from being a self-proclaimed luddite who embraced computers later in life to becoming a prolific user of various social media platforms. She recounts her struggles and successes in navigating the digital landscape, leveraging online tools to connect with students, promote her work, and build a community of writers. Losing access to her accounts made her question her approach to social media and the boundaries she had blurred between her digital and physical worlds.

As the author grapples with the fallout of losing her social media presence, she reflects on the lessons learned and the importance of maintaining a balance between technology and real-life interactions. She acknowledges the dangers of becoming reliant on virtual connections and the risks of identity theft and online scams. Ultimately, the experience prompts her to reassess her relationship with social media and consider alternative ways of connecting with others and promoting her work.

After a period of uncertainty and anxiety, the author is relieved to find that her original accounts are restored, thanks to the intervention of helpful individuals who were able to resolve the issue. She takes steps to enhance the security of her accounts and maintain a backup profile as a precaution. The experience serves as a wake-up call for her to prioritize her digital security and mental well-being while continuing to engage with social media in a more mindful and balanced manner.

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