The inability to fall asleep is a common issue that many people face, especially when their minds are racing with thoughts from the day or worries about the future. While there are plenty of tricks to help induce sleep, such as reading or drinking herbal tea, some individuals may still struggle to get some shut-eye. In such cases, light exercise, like yoga, can be a beneficial option. Yoga for sleep has been shown to calm the nervous system and promote relaxation, making it easier for individuals to drift off to sleep. Engaging in yoga can also reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, and complement traditional treatment approaches for conditions like depression.

Research suggests that the frequency and intensity of yoga practice can impact the reduction of cortisol levels, with promising results in improving symptoms of depression. Cortisol levels play a significant role in sleep patterns, and higher levels are often associated with difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. A 2019 study found that incorporating yoga into one’s routine can have a positive effect on treating insomnia. Practicing yoga before bed can improve sleep quality and overall sleep health. There are several yoga poses that can help individuals relax before bedtime, including the cat-cow pose, forward fold, bridge pose, and happy baby pose. These poses can be performed for about 20 to 30 minutes before bedtime to promote relaxation and ease tension in the body.

Other beneficial yoga poses for better sleep include legs-up-the-wall, child’s pose, seated twist, butterfly pose, and head to knee pose. By incorporating these poses into a bedtime routine, individuals can destress, improve circulation, and stretch their bodies before settling down for the night. Additionally, getting some sun exposure during the day, eating certain foods to boost happiness, and trying the Scandinavian sleep method can all contribute to better sleep quality. Sleep Awareness Month is a deep dive into the importance of sleep in overall health and its impact on various aspects of life. With the right tools and techniques, individuals can improve their sleep patterns and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated each day.

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