Vice President Kamala Harris recently sat down for her first interview with conservative media, specifically Fox News’ Bret Baier, in an effort to reach out to viewers who may be undecided about voting for former President Donald Trump. The interview focused heavily on immigration, with Baier pressing Harris for answers on the number of undocumented immigrants released into the country and questioning her about past statements on border security. Harris defended the Biden administration’s efforts on immigration and emphasized the need for comprehensive immigration reform.

Baier also asked Harris about recent cases where individuals were killed by undocumented immigrants, questioning whether Harris would apologize to the victims’ families. Harris expressed sympathy but did not offer an apology, instead highlighting the need for bipartisan solutions to immigration issues. She also reiterated her stance against decriminalizing border crossings, pointing to her experience as a prosecutor in dealing with criminal organizations that pose a threat to American safety.

The interview then shifted to the topic of gender, with Baier questioning Harris about her past support for using taxpayer dollars to help prisoners and detained individuals transition to another gender. Harris defended her position by citing existing federal laws and criticizing Trump’s campaign ads on the issue as a distraction from more pressing concerns. She also emphasized that her presidency would not be a continuation of Biden’s term but would bring fresh ideas and a focus on issues like housing and small businesses.

When Baier questioned Harris on the current administration’s approval ratings and the perception that the country is on the wrong track, Harris blamed the exhaustion and division caused by Trump’s presidency. She argued that her campaign represents an opportunity to “turn the page” on divisive rhetoric and offer new leadership to move the country forward. Harris also addressed concerns about Trump’s mental stability and the need for strong leadership in challenging times.

The interview concluded with a brief discussion on foreign policy and the need to keep Iran in check. Despite some contentious moments, Harris maintained composure and emphasized her commitment to addressing the pressing issues facing the country. The interview provided a glimpse into Harris’ approach to engaging with conservative media and addressing key policy issues, highlighting her efforts to build support across party lines and present a distinct vision for leadership in the face of ongoing challenges.

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