Earthquakes are caused when tectonic plates, similar to pieces of an eggshell, move against each other, building up pressure that is eventually released as seismic waves. This causes the ground to shake. In rare cases, earthquakes can also occur within tectonic plates. Human activities such as oil production can also trigger earthquakes. While it is not possible to predict when or where an earthquake might occur, national seismic hazard maps can provide an estimate of where strong earthquakes are likely to happen in the next 10,000 years.

Preparing ahead of time for earthquakes is crucial. Securing items in your home such as furniture, appliances, and electronics is important to prevent injuries from objects flying around during an earthquake. It is also advisable to have an emergency kit with supplies like medication, first aid supplies, food, and water. Earthquake early warning systems like ShakeAlert can provide precious seconds of advance warning, giving people more time to react and avoid injury. Following these steps can help individuals stay safe during an earthquake.

When an earthquake strikes, it is important to remember to follow certain steps to stay safe. Dropping to the ground, covering your body to prevent injuries, and holding on to something sturdy are recommended by experts. Standing under a doorway is no longer advised as doorways are not necessarily structurally stronger than other parts of a building. Whether at home or outside, staying alert and taking protective measures is essential. It is important to stay low to the ground and find a way to protect yourself wherever you are during an earthquake.

The Earthquake Country Alliance emphasizes the importance of acting rather than worrying about earthquakes. Preparing your home by securing items and having an emergency kit ready is key to staying safe. Buildings collapsing is not always the main cause of injuries during an earthquake; it is often the flying debris that poses a threat to individuals. It is also advisable to sign up for early warning systems like ShakeAlert to receive advance warning before an earthquake hits your area. These systems can help individuals react quickly and avoid harm.

The “Ring of Fire” is a region where earthquakes are most likely to occur, spanning the Pacific Ocean along the edges of tectonic plates. More earthquakes with damaging shaking are expected in certain areas of the United States, including the West Coast, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. While earthquakes cannot be predicted, having a plan in place and being prepared for when one strikes is crucial to staying safe. By following the advice of experts and taking protective measures, individuals can minimize the risk of injury during an earthquake.

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