Imanol Pradales was sworn in as the new lehendakari of the Basque Country on Saturday in front of the Gernika Tree, a symbol of Basque freedoms. During the swearing-in ceremony, Pradales used a formula similar to that of the first Basque lehendakari, José Antonio Aguirre, in 1937, pledging to faithfully fulfill his mandate. However, he did not repeat the phrase used by his predecessor, Iñigo Urkullu, four years ago, regarding loyalty to the Crown and respect for the Constitution and other laws. Pradales is the sixth lehendakari of the democratic era, following Carlos Garaikoetxea, José Antonio Ardanza, Juan José Ibarretxe, Patxi López, and Iñigo Urkullu.

The swearing-in ceremony took place at the Casa de Juntas de Gernika, where Pradales was received by Bakartxo Tejeria, the President of the Basque Parliament, and other members of the legislative body, as well as various dignitaries. Pradales took the oath in Basque over a copy of the Basque Statute of Autonomy and the Fuero Viejo of Bizkaia, which dates back to 1600. After the oath, Pradales assumed his new role as lehendakari and was presented with the makila, a traditional wooden staff symbolizing authority. Pradales is expected to announce the composition of his government soon, which will have 10 ministers from the PNV and five from the PSE-EE, making it the largest coalition government since the restoration of democracy.

The government will include Mikel Torres, the Mayor of Portugalete, as one of the vice presidents and a key figure for the Socialists in the administration. The specific roles of the ministers from both parties have not been fully disclosed yet, but it is expected that the PNV will oversee important departments such as Security, Education, and Health, while the Socialists may handle areas like Memory and Prisons. Following the ceremony, Pradales took photos with former lehendakaris and received well wishes from Eneko Andueza, the leader of the Basque Socialists, who expressed pride in the coalition agreement signed with the PNV.

The Vice President of the Spanish Government, María Jesús Montero, used the occasion to criticize the leader of the opposition, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, for his party’s attacks on the government during an event in Madrid. Montero accused Feijóo of promoting confrontation and right-wing populism, which was condemned by the leader of the Basque PP as a violation of the solemn atmosphere of Pradales’ inauguration. Pello Otxandiano, from EH Bildu, expressed readiness to work with Pradales’ government and emphasized the importance of collaboration to advance the Basque Country in terms of sovereignty, equality, feminism, and sustainability.

In conclusion, Imanol Pradales has officially taken on the role of lehendakari in the Basque Country, pledging to serve the region faithfully. The composition of his government, with a broad coalition between the PNV and the Socialists, reflects a commitment to cooperation and effective governance. The ceremony in Gernika marked a significant moment in the region’s political history, with leaders from various parties offering their support and best wishes for the new administration. Pradales’ leadership will be closely watched as he navigates the challenges and opportunities facing the Basque Country in the coming years.

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