A 28-year-old Guatemalan immigrant named Jorge Luis Castro-Alvarado has been arrested and charged with rape in Massachusetts. This arrest comes after Castro-Alvarado was previously released by a state court despite having a violent criminal record. He had entered the US unlawfully and had victimized a resident of Massachusetts. In February, he was arrested for assault and battery on a family member, convicted, and sentenced to eighteen months in prison. However, his sentence was later reduced to six months by the Lynn District Court.

After being convicted of the assault and battery charge, Castro-Alvarado was arraigned for two counts of rape and indecent assault and battery in April by the Essex County Superior Court. Despite an active immigration detainer from ICE, the court released Castro-Alvarado on bail without notifying immigration officials. The court imposed several conditions on his bail, including electronic monitoring, before releasing him back into the community. This decision by the court to release Castro-Alvarado despite the active detainer has raised concerns over public safety in the community.

ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Boston branch stated that Castro-Alvarado posed a significant threat to the community and that they will continue to prioritize public safety by apprehending and removing noncitizen threats in the New England neighborhoods. ERO Boston had lodged an immigration detainer against Castro-Alvarado in February after his initial arrest for assault and battery, but the Essex County Superior Court released him on bail without informing immigration officials. Despite the conditions imposed on his bail, Castro-Alvarado was released back into the community, leading to his arrest on rape charges in August.

It is still unclear when and where Castro-Alvarado initially entered American soil without inspection, admission, or parole. The circumstances of his entry into the US and his subsequent criminal activities raise concerns about immigration enforcement and public safety in the country. The Essex County Superior Court has not responded to requests for comments on the case, and it remains to be seen what action will be taken to prevent similar incidents in the future. The arrest and charging of Castro-Alvarado highlight the complexities of dealing with criminal immigrants and the challenges faced by law enforcement agencies in ensuring public safety.

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