Ilana Glazer, well-known for her role in “Broad City,” recently revealed that she was surprised by her heightened libido while pregnant with her daughter, who was born in July 2021. Despite feeling sick for the first six months of her pregnancy, Glazer found that being intimate with her partner was a respite from her symptoms. She described this spontaneous, animalistic horniness during pregnancy as something she had not experienced before.

In addition to her surprising libido, Glazer wanted her new film “Babes” to be honest about the less glamorous aspects of pregnancy and childbirth that are often avoided in mainstream media. She criticized movies like Judd Apatow’s “Knocked Up” for portraying unrealistic birth scenes that fail to depict the true experience of childbirth. Glazer aimed to provide more authentic representation, even if it meant discussing topics like breastfeeding, placenta birth, and other aspects of pregnancy that are often overlooked.

In “Babes,” Glazer plays a woman who becomes pregnant after a one-night stand and turns to her best friend and mother of two for support and guidance. As a co-writer of the film, Glazer found the process of making this comedy to be enlightening, discovering her own capabilities along the way. She expressed a desire to address the lack of representation in media, even as a white Jewish woman herself.

The premiere of “Babes” was a family affair, with Glazer’s parents, brother Eliot, and husband David Rooklin accompanying her on the red carpet. Glazer’s openness about her pregnancy experience and her commitment to portraying realistic representations of childbirth in the film have garnered attention and praise. Through her work in “Babes,” Glazer hopes to spark more conversations about the complexities and realities of pregnancy and motherhood.

Overall, Ilana Glazer’s candid revelations about her pregnancy experience and her creative choices in “Babes” reflect a shift towards more honest and diverse representations of motherhood in media. By addressing taboo topics and showcasing the less glamorous aspects of pregnancy, Glazer aims to provide a more authentic and inclusive narrative for audiences. Her portrayal of a pregnant woman navigating unexpected challenges and seeking support from loved ones highlights the complexities of womanhood and motherhood in a refreshingly candid way.

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