Toronto police have solved the case of a woman found dead in Humber Bay Shores Park in 2017 through genetic genealogy. The woman was discovered in Lake Ontario with no identification or possessions, and despite multiple public appeals, she could not be identified. After several years, in January 2023, Toronto police utilized Investigative Genetic Genealogy (IGG) with the approval from Ontario’s coroner’s office and Ontario Forensic Pathology Service. IGG identified distant relatives of the deceased throughout North America, most of whom traced their heritage to a specific region in Switzerland. A DNA comparison confirmed that the deceased woman was a match with relatives of the missing person.

The Toronto police investigation reached out to authorities in Switzerland in August 2023 and discovered that the woman had been reported missing there in September 2017. Swiss police notified her family, but her identity is not being released to the public. Her death is not considered a criminal matter, and the case has been solved through the use of genetic genealogy. This method is used by law enforcement when all other leads have been exhausted, as it can identify relatives of the person being sought through a DNA profile. In this case, the matching DNA between the deceased woman and relatives of the missing person enabled Toronto police to find closure in the investigation.

Genetic genealogy has become a valuable tool for law enforcement in solving cold cases and identifying unidentified bodies. By leveraging DNA profiles and tracing familial relationships, investigators can connect individuals to their relatives and potentially solve mysteries. In this particular case, the use of Investigative Genetic Genealogy helped Toronto police link the deceased woman found in Humber Bay Shores Park to her family in Switzerland, providing answers to a previously unsolved case. The collaboration between law enforcement agencies in different countries also highlights the importance of international cooperation in solving crimes and identifying missing persons.

The successful resolution of this case demonstrates the power of genetic genealogy in bringing closure to families and communities affected by unresolved cases. By utilizing DNA technology and working with international partners, law enforcement agencies can connect the dots between unidentified individuals and their families, ultimately providing answers and peace of mind to those impacted by tragedies. While the identity of the deceased woman in this case remains undisclosed to the public, the fact that her family has been notified and closure has been achieved showcases the effectiveness of genetic genealogy in solving cold cases and providing closure to loved ones.

The use of genetic genealogy in this case showcases the importance of persistence and technological advancements in solving complex investigations. Despite the initial lack of identification and possessions, Toronto police continued to pursue leads and leverage innovative methods like Investigative Genetic Genealogy to crack the case. By collaborating with international authorities and utilizing DNA comparisons, they were able to establish a connection between the deceased woman and her family in Switzerland. This successful outcome underscores the significance of harnessing cutting-edge techniques and global partnerships in unraveling mysteries and achieving justice for those involved.

Overall, the case of the woman found dead in Humber Bay Shores Park in 2017 and her subsequent identification through genetic genealogy exemplifies the power of modern investigative tools and international cooperation in solving cold cases. The utilization of Investigative Genetic Genealogy by Toronto police, in collaboration with authorities in Switzerland, not only brought closure to a previously unsolved mystery but also underscored the value of leveraging DNA technology in law enforcement efforts. By connecting the dots between the deceased woman and her relatives, investigators were able to provide answers to her family and ultimately solve the case through diligent investigation and cutting-edge methods.

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