Leonel Moreno, an illegal immigrant who gained fame as an influencer by mocking America on social media, has been arrested by federal immigration authorities in Columbus, Ohio. Moreno had crossed the southern border into Texas illegally in 2022 and had then skipped out on ICE, making him a wanted individual. His arrest came after The Post reported on his actions and influence, including encouraging other migrants to come to the US and squat in the homes of American citizens.

While residing in the US, Moreno used his social media platforms to boast about his earnings made through begging for cash and government handouts. In one video, he proudly displayed a social security card and frequently made derogatory comments towards American citizens, claiming he had not come to the US to work like a slave but to make money without much effort. He criticized Americans for being exploited and miserable while he profited without having to work hard.

After his illegal entry into the US, Moreno was placed in the Alternatives to Detention program and was monitored by a tracking device. However, he quickly stopped complying with the program requirements and failed to show up for check-ins with authorities as instructed. Internal ICE records indicated that officials were aware of Moreno’s presence on social media and his encouragement of illegal immigration. He had become viral on platforms like TikTok, attracting attention for his controversial statements and actions.

Moreno’s arrest by ICE’s fugitive operations officers in Ohio highlighted the agency’s efforts to apprehend individuals who had violated immigration laws. The case of Moreno exemplified the challenges faced by authorities in tracking and detaining individuals who enter the country illegally and then go on to defy the legal system. Despite his influence as an ‘irrant influencer,’ Moreno’s actions landed him in custody and exposed his disregard for the laws of the country he had sought to exploit.

The incident involving Moreno shed light on the larger issue of illegal immigration and the impact it had on American society. The case highlighted the contradictions and challenges posed by individuals who entered the US unlawfully and sought to profit from their actions. Moreno’s arrest served as a warning to others who might be tempted to engage in similar behavior, emphasizing the consequences that could follow for those who flout the law. ICE’s actions in arresting Moreno demonstrated its commitment to enforcing immigration laws and holding individuals accountable for their actions.

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