Four illegal immigrants, including Venezuelan citizens Michael Jose Sanchez Mayo, Henry Omar Zambrano Zapata, Yusneibi Yohana Machado Avila, and Colombian Sebastian Jaramillio Balanta, were detained by ICE following their alleged involvement in robbing a Target store in New York City. The incident also involved two police officers being attacked, with one officer being hospitalized and treated for injuries. Five migrants were initially arrested, with a sixth still at large. The incident involved acts of violence and aggression towards law enforcement officers and authorities.

Among the arrested migrants, Brayan Freites-Macias was the only one who was not released and is being held at Rikers jail. He faced charges of robbery, assault, resisting arrest, obstructing governmental administration, criminal possession of stolen property, disorderly conduct, and harassment. Machado Avila, on the other hand, was released under supervised release without bail, despite prosecutors requesting higher bail amounts. Freites-Macias was also involved in previous incidents involving trespassing and shoplifting. Machado Avila had prior charges of assault and trespassing at a migrant shelter she had been discharged from.

Jaramillio Balanta had a previous assault charge for allegedly punching a man at Grand Central Terminal, while facing arrests for petit theft and grand larceny on separate occasions. Sanchez Mayo had multiple petit larceny arrests and separate robbery charges in New York City. The individuals detained by ICE now face deportation due to their unlawful presence in the United States. Their involvement in criminal activities, including assault, robbery, and violence towards law enforcement officers, has led to their detention and potential removal from the country.

The incident at the Target store was not the first time the migrants had encounters with law enforcement. Freites-Macias faced previous charges for various offenses, including trespassing and shoplifting. Machado Avila and Jaramillio Balanta also had prior assault charges, indicating a pattern of criminal behavior among the individuals involved. The actions of the migrants, including attacking police officers and engaging in violent criminal activities, have led to their arrest, detention, and potential deportation by ICE.

The detained migrants were arrested without incident by ICE for violating their release conditions and are currently in custody pending removal proceedings. The federal agency also lodged a detainer request for Freites-Macias, who remains at Rikers jail. The individuals faced various charges related to the robbery of the Target store, with some of them having prior criminal records for assault, trespassing, theft, and other offenses. The involvement of illegal immigrants in criminal activities has raised concerns about public safety and the need for enforcement of immigration laws to address such incidents effectively.

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