The narrator of the story is feeling frustrated and hurt by her husband’s behavior. Despite waking up early every morning to make him his favorite food, he has been throwing it away. This has been happening daily, and the narrator finally decides not to make him lunch one day. When her husband questions her about it, she explains that she feels unappreciated and that her efforts are going to waste. The husband accuses her of being petty, and the situation escalates, leading the narrator to question whether she is in the wrong for not making him food.

The situation sparks a debate among commenters, with some suggesting that the husband should make his own food if he is unsatisfied with what his wife prepares. Others offer more serious advice, pointing out that the husband’s behavior may be a symptom of a deeper issue in their relationship. User SuccySuccubi argues that the husband’s close relationship with a coworker, whom he refers to as his “work wife,” is inappropriate and disrespectful to the marriage. They suggest that the husband should set and enforce boundaries to protect the marriage, and that the wife should communicate her discomfort with the situation.

User fubar_68 takes a more drastic stance, suggesting that the narrator should consider divorce if her husband is having an emotional affair with his coworker. They believe that the husband’s actions, such as throwing his wife’s food away in front of her, are signs of disrespect and betrayal. They advise the narrator to seek legal advice and prepare for divorce proceedings if necessary. The commenters emphasize the importance of maintaining respect and boundaries in workplace relationships, and how these dynamics can impact personal relationships.

User DaisyRebeccaa reinforces the idea that workplace relationships should not overshadow the sanctity of a marriage. They stress that the intimate nature of preparing daily meals for a coworker can cross boundaries and create discomfort in a marriage. The concept of a “work spouse” should never be prioritized over a real marital relationship, and it is important for both partners to communicate openly and establish boundaries to protect their marriage. Overall, the comments offer a range of perspectives on the situation, highlighting the complexities of workplace relationships and their impact on personal relationships.

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