Melia Nielsen, a 24-year-old finance worker from Lincolnshire, suffered second-degree burns and permanent scarring from a microneedling session gone wrong. Microneedling is a procedure that involves puncturing the skin with small needles to generate collagen. Nielsen had already undergone one session with this provider before the incident occurred. During the second session, the provider went over the same spot too many times, causing the first few layers of skin to wear away. Nielsen noticed that she was bleeding during the treatment, but the provider only acknowledged this days later, mentioning that Nielsen was bleeding quite a bit.

The provider attempted to clean the area using what Nielsen suspects was toner, resulting in a chemical burn on her new, raw skin. While the provider told Nielsen to keep an eye on the area, it started weeping, causing her concern. Despite her messages expressing concerns being ignored, she ultimately went to the emergency room where doctors confirmed that she had a chemical burn. The entire ordeal led to significant swelling and bruising in the affected area. Nielsen was disappointed by the lack of accountability from the provider, who tried to blame her for the incident and only offered complimentary services instead of helping pay for her medical treatments.

Following the incident, Nielsen regrets ever getting the treatment, realizing that she doesn’t really need it. The microneedling scars have made it difficult for her to go to work, and even months later, the area on her face has not returned to normal. She describes the texture of the affected skin as different from the rest of her face and notes that even wearing makeup aggravates the area. While seeking professional help to minimize the scar’s appearance, she is avoiding harsh skin treatments and using her experience as a warning to others. Nielsen advises patients to carefully research their providers and ensure they have proper training and experience.

Nielsen’s experience highlights the risks and potential consequences of beauty treatments gone wrong. Despite hoping to improve her skin complexion, she ended up with long-term scarring and pain. The lack of accountability from the provider further exacerbated Nielsen’s distress, leading her to swear off harsh skin treatments in the future. Her story serves as a cautionary tale for others considering similar procedures, emphasizing the importance of thorough research and consultation before undergoing any beauty treatment. Ultimately, Nielsen’s journey serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing safety and quality when it comes to skincare and cosmetic procedures.

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