Denise Massar received a call early in the morning on New Year’s Day informing her that a birth mother had chosen her and her husband to adopt a baby boy. After searching for a baby to adopt for eight months, Denise had read extensively about adoption, including techniques for inducing lactation in order to breastfeed an adopted baby. Initially skeptical about inducing lactation, Denise had always viewed formula feeding as a good option, having used it with her older biological children, Jack and Kate. However, after feeling disconnected while bottle feeding her newly adopted son, Henry, Denise realized that breastfeeding was an essential part of her mothering experience.

Breastfeeding had been a challenging yet gratifying experience for Denise with her older children. She found that breastfeeding established a unique bond with her babies, providing a sense of nourishment, closeness, and love that was unmatched. Motivated by the desire to have the same intimate experience with Henry, Denise embarked on the journey of inducing lactation, combining prescription medication, herbs, teas, and pumping. Despite the initial challenges, Denise gradually started producing milk and was able to feed Henry exclusively with breast milk after a month. She continued nursing Henry until he was six months old, transitioning to formula afterward.

Denise found that breastfeeding Henry created a special bond between them, enriching their relationship in meaningful ways. While some may view breastfeeding an adopted baby as unorthodox, Denise’s friends and family were supportive, though surprised by the concept of inducing lactation. Denise acknowledges that inducing lactation may be unconventional for many, as it was for her initially. However, she emphasizes the importance of following one’s maternal instincts and exploring unconventional paths in parenting, as it led to a perfect journey for her family.

As Henry grows older, Denise reflects on the unique bond they share, with breastfeeding playing a significant role in their connection. While some may question her choice to breastfeed an adopted baby, Denise believes in trusting her instincts and embracing unconventional approaches to parenting. She encourages others to follow their hearts and explore uncharted territories in parenting, as it may lead to unexpected and rewarding experiences with their children. For Denise, inducing lactation was a decision that brought her closer to her son and enriched their mother-son relationship in profound ways.

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