Nicole Fallon-Peek met her now-husband Sean during a business trip to Boston in 2017, while they were both working for the same digital publishing company. Despite being married to someone else at the time, Fallon-Peek felt an instant connection with Sean and they began a long-distance relationship after the trip. Eventually, Sean moved to be with her, and they decided to quit their jobs and start their own business together.

Their relationship blossomed during virtual interactions at work, with side-texts to discuss personal matters and unofficial calls to chat outside of work-related topics. Fallon-Peek realized she was in love with Sean and decided to leave her marriage, with him being the catalyst for that decision. While she felt guilty for causing emotional pain to her ex-spouse, both parties ultimately agreed that the split was for the best.

When Fallon-Peek and Sean decided to make their relationship official and inform their bosses, their coworkers were supportive. Fallon-Peek’s boss even helped Sean transfer to their New York office, allowing them to move in together. The couple eventually decided to start their own business, Lighting Media Partners, in 2018, after feeling stagnant in their corporate roles.

Despite some initial friction due to their differing approaches to decision-making, starting their own venture proved successful for Fallon-Peek and Sean. They got married in 2019 and now have a 10-month-old daughter. Fallon-Peek reflects on the experience and encourages others who may find love at work to pursue it, believing that choosing love over a career can lead to a fulfilling life. She has no regrets about the decisions she made once she met Sean, as both her personal and professional life have flourished as a result.

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