In a few weeks, 400 million European citizens will be called to the polls to elect the new parliament. This will be a significant exercise in democracy, according to President Sergio Mattarella. He hopes for a high voter turnout, as citizens play a crucial role in shaping the future of the continent and the Union to which they belong. Mattarella emphasized the importance of active participation in the electoral process and encouraged citizens to take part in determining the path of their country’s future.

During the celebrations marking the twentieth anniversary of Slovenia’s accession to the European Union, Mattarella highlighted the need for European institutions and governments to work towards making the Union a key player on the international stage. He stressed the importance of the Union’s contribution to promoting peace, collaboration, and stability globally. Mattarella warned against a passive approach where Europe and its member states remain spectators to international events and emphasized the significance of taking an active role in shaping global affairs.

The upcoming European Parliament elections present an opportunity for citizens to exercise their democratic rights and influence the direction of the Union. Mattarella expressed hope that the elections would lead to increased citizen engagement and empowerment in shaping the future of Europe. He emphasized the responsibility of both European institutions and national governments to work together towards making the Union a stronger and more influential entity on the global stage, promoting peace and stability through collaboration and action.

Mattarella’s remarks underscored the significance of the European Union’s role in international affairs and the importance of active participation in shaping the Union’s future. He called for a proactive approach to global challenges and emphasized the need for Europe to assert its influence on the international stage, contributing to peace, stability, and cooperation. The upcoming elections offer an opportunity for citizens to make their voices heard and play a meaningful role in determining the future direction of the continent and the Union as a whole.

As Europe prepares for the upcoming parliamentary elections, Mattarella’s words serve as a reminder of the importance of democratic participation and citizen engagement in shaping the future of the Union. By exercising their right to vote, citizens can play a crucial role in determining the direction of their countries and the overall direction of the Union. Mattarella’s call for increased citizen involvement and empowerment highlights the significant impact that active participation can have on shaping the policies and decisions that will shape the future of Europe.

In conclusion, as European citizens prepare to cast their votes in the upcoming elections, President Mattarella’s words offer a reminder of the importance of active participation in shaping the future of the continent and the Union. By engaging in the democratic process, citizens can influence the policies and decisions that will shape the future of Europe. Mattarella’s call for increased citizen empowerment and involvement serves as a timely reminder of the importance of taking an active role in shaping the direction of the Union and ensuring that the voices of citizens are heard in the decision-making process.

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