Prime Minister Meloni explained that the choice of Elon Musk for the Atlantic Council award was made months ago and was not related to the American election campaign. She also stated that attempts to involve Italy in the American campaign were not particularly intelligent. Meloni emphasized that her support for Elon Musk was not an interference in the US election campaign, despite Musk’s strong support for Donald Trump. She reiterated her stance against foreign interference in the internal affairs of sovereign nations, stating that such interventions were favored by the left but not by her.

The Prime Minister made it clear that she had not been in contact with Trump or any potential members of his administration. She emphasized that she did not support attempts by leaders to dictate to citizens in other countries what was best for their future. Meloni highlighted her disapproval of foreign interference in sovereign nations, a stance that aligned with her conservative values. She maintained that her decision to support Elon Musk for the award was based on his individual merits and contributions, rather than any political affiliations or considerations.

Meloni’s comments reflected her belief in respecting the sovereignty of nations and avoiding interference in their internal affairs. She reiterated her opposition to the left’s tendency to support foreign interventions and influence in sovereign countries. Meloni emphasized the importance of allowing citizens in each country to determine their own future and choose their own leaders, without external interference. Her statements highlighted her commitment to upholding the principles of national sovereignty and self-determination in international relations, while also recognizing the contributions of individuals like Elon Musk.

Overall, Meloni’s response to questions about the choice of Elon Musk for the Atlantic Council award demonstrated her commitment to upholding conservative values and principles of sovereignty. She emphasized her opposition to foreign interference in sovereign nations and her belief in allowing citizens to determine their own future without external influence. Meloni’s comments also reflected her decision to support Elon Musk based on his personal merits and contributions, rather than any political considerations. Her statements showcased her dedication to respecting the sovereignty of nations and promoting self-determination in international relations.

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