In an interview at the Ambrosetti Forum with directors from six Italian media outlets, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed optimism about the future of his country, stating that they are closer to the end of the war than they were at the beginning. Zelensky highlighted the progress made through agreements and conferences focused on the reconstruction of Ukraine, emphasizing that these steps are strengthening the economy and bringing them closer to the end of the conflict. The president’s comments were made in response to questions about Italy’s stance on the situation in Ukraine, with the EU’s High Representative Josep Borrell also present at the event.

During the interview, Josep Borrell echoed Italy’s clear stance on the conflict in Ukraine, but also raised a question about Italy’s restrictions on Ukraine’s use of weapons provided by them to target Russian bases in Russia. Zelensky responded by stating that there are currently no issues in their relationship with Italy, despite Italy not supporting Ukraine’s operation in the Russian region of Kursk. Defending the operation in Kursk as a preemptive strike to defend Ukraine and the Sumy region from Russian occupation, Zelensky emphasized the importance of such actions in ensuring the country’s security and stability.

The discussion at the Ambrosetti Forum highlighted the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the efforts being made to rebuild the country’s economy and infrastructure amidst the challenges of war. Zelensky’s positive outlook on the situation reflected a sense of progress and hope for the future, with a focus on the steps being taken to bring the conflict to an end. The president’s comments also emphasized the importance of international support and cooperation in addressing the issues facing Ukraine and working towards a resolution to the conflict.

Despite the challenges faced by Ukraine in the aftermath of the conflict, Zelensky’s message conveyed a sense of determination and resilience in the face of adversity. The president’s commitment to rebuilding and strengthening Ukraine’s economy and infrastructure was highlighted as a key priority, with a focus on creating a more stable and prosperous future for the country. The remarks made by Zelensky at the forum reflected a sense of optimism and a belief in the possibility of a peaceful resolution to the conflict, with a clear emphasis on the importance of cooperation and partnership in achieving this goal.

Overall, the interview with President Zelensky at the Ambrosetti Forum provided valuable insights into the current situation in Ukraine and the efforts being made to rebuild and recover from the devastation of war. Zelensky’s comments underscored the progress being made in the country, as well as the challenges that lie ahead in achieving a lasting peace. The discussion also highlighted the importance of international support and cooperation in addressing the conflict in Ukraine, with a focus on rebuilding the economy and infrastructure to create a more secure and prosperous future for the country. President Zelensky’s words served as a reminder of the resilience and determination of the Ukrainian people in the face of adversity, and the hope for a brighter future ahead.

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