David Mackenzie premiered his thriller “Relay” at the Toronto International Film Festival, starring Riz Ahmed as Tom, a middleman between corporate whistleblowers and companies. The film explores the morally ambiguous world Tom operates in, and the cat and mouse game that ensues when Lily James’ character, Sarah, engages his services. The film is a mix of high and low tech, culminating in a tense twist with social commentary on corporations. Black Bear Intl. handles international rights, while CAA Media Finance and UTA Independent Film Group are overseeing distribution in the U.S.

Mackenzie, known for films like “Hell or High Water” and “Under the Banner of Heaven,” is currently working on his next project, “Fuze,” starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson. He describes the film as intense and complex, with a heist-like plot set in London. Mackenzie aims to create sophisticated yet commercially engaging films, moving beyond his arthouse roots. “Relay” captures the essence of a 1970s thriller, with Riz Ahmed delivering a contemporary take on the genre through his intense performance which relies heavily on his expressive eyes.

The film’s title, “Relay,” refers to the phone service Ahmed’s character uses in the film, which allows for verbal and typed communication without records being kept. This service is ideal for covert operations and maintaining secrecy. Mackenzie’s choice to focus on an outsider character, like Ahmed’s Tom, adds depth to the story as he navigates the world of whistleblowing and corporate espionage. The oppressive atmosphere of the film, shot in New York City and New Jersey, heightens the tension and drama of the narrative.

The script for “Relay” was written by Justin Piasecki, a young writer whose work resonated with Mackenzie much like Taylor Sheridan’s script for “Hell or High Water.” Mackenzie is drawn to stories that center on characters who go against the grain and stand up for what they believe in, even at great personal cost. The director’s vision for the film was to create a moody and atmospheric setting, capturing the essence of a dark and suspenseful thriller. Despite challenges in production, Mackenzie was able to bring his vision to life and deliver a gripping narrative for audiences to enjoy.

Overall, “Relay” is a tightly woven thriller that explores themes of deception, morality, and the fight against corruption in the corporate world. With Riz Ahmed’s compelling performance, David Mackenzie’s skilled direction, and a gripping script by Justin Piasecki, the film promises to deliver an engaging and thought-provoking viewing experience. As Mackenzie continues to push boundaries in his filmmaking career, “Relay” stands as a testament to his talent and creativity in the world of cinema.

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