Many Reddit users shared their insights on nonobvious signs that someone is rich. Some of the top-voted responses included wearing nice clothing without any brand identification, being quiet about cost of living pressures, having expensive hobbies like sailing or skiing, and having a certain ease with which they move about the world. Other signs mentioned were minimalist homes, being selective about friends, and the quality of their dental care.

Rich people tend to value their time and pay for simple fixes rather than doing them on their own. They also prioritize the quality of the food they eat, opting for meals with fresh vegetables. Their couches may not touch the wall, their clothes are often altered to fit perfectly, and they keep a low profile to maintain their privacy. Real generational wealth often goes unnoticed as those individuals prefer to keep a low digital footprint and pay to keep information about them off the internet.

Attending a good university but not being the smartest student, not carrying luggage when taking flights, and saying they are “comfortable” are also signs of wealth. Wealthy individuals may also drive average vehicles instead of flashy cars to blend in and avoid drawing attention to their financial status. Overall, the common theme among these nonobvious signs of wealth is a sense of understated luxury and discretion. It seems that many rich individuals prefer to keep a low profile and prioritize experiences and quality over flashy displays of wealth.

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