Hunter Biden is dropping his lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani and his ex-lawyer alleging data manipulation on his laptop. On Thursday, Biden’s lawyer Abbe Lowell filed a stipulation for dismissal without prejudice, with each party bearing its own legal fees, costs, and expenses. All three parties have agreed to the dismissal, as court documents show. The lawsuit claimed Giuliani and Costello violated the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act by allegedly hacking and manipulating data on Biden’s abandoned laptop, destroying his digital privacy.

The lawsuit, filed in September seeking over $75,000 in damages, was dropped in the wake of Hunter Biden’s conviction for lying about his drug use when purchasing a firearm in 2018. The evidence used against him was taken from his infamous laptop, which was not picked up from a computer repair store in 2019. The owner of the shop provided the laptop’s information to the FBI after discovering illegal activities related to drug use and financial transactions. Before giving the laptop to the FBI, the owner made a copy that was later provided to Costello by Giuliani.

Commenting on the lawsuit’s dismissal, Giuliani’s attorney Joe Sibley claimed it was a vindication for Giuliani and Costello, as well as the media outlets that reported on the laptop story amidst censorship efforts. Sibley stated that the legal team for Biden agreed to drop the case because they realized it had problems on the merits. Neither Lowell nor Costello’s lawyer responded to requests for comments. Approval from US District Judge Jessica Clarke is required before the dismissal is finalized.

The dropping of the lawsuit against Giuliani and Costello comes after Hunter Biden’s recent conviction on felony counts related to his false statements about drug use when obtaining a firearm. Evidence from his laptop was used to prove his addiction to crack cocaine at the time of the purchase. The laptop contained incriminating data on Biden’s drug use, financial transactions, and involvement in unlawful activities. The shop owner provided this information to the authorities, ultimately leading to legal trouble for Biden.

Ultimately, the lawsuit’s dismissal highlights the complex legal and personal issues surrounding Hunter Biden and his infamous laptop. The data contained on the laptop has been instrumental in various legal matters involving him, leading to significant consequences in his personal and professional life. The involvement of notable figures like Rudy Giuliani adds a layer of political intrigue to the situation, highlighting the broader implications of these legal challenges. The outcome of these legal battles could have far-reaching effects on the individuals involved, as well as on broader issues related to privacy, cybersecurity, and political influence.

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