Hunter Biden, the son of President Biden, is facing sentencing on November 13 for his conviction on federal gun charges. He was found guilty by a 12-member jury in June on charges related to his purchase and possession of a firearm while addicted to crack cocaine. The trial lasted for six days and included testimony from various individuals close to Hunter, such as his ex-wife, ex-girlfriend, and family members. If sentenced, Hunter Biden could face up to 25 years in prison and fines of up to $750,000. He is the first child of a sitting president to be convicted of a crime and is considered a first-time offender.

In September 2023, Hunter Biden was indicted on three felony gun charges after a proposed plea deal with federal prosecutors fell through. The charges stem from his purchase and possession of a Colt Cobra 38SPL gun for 11 days in October 2018 while he was a drug user, as well as lying about his drug use on a federal firearms purchase form. Federal law prohibits illegal drug users from owning guns. Despite pleading not guilty to the charges, Hunter Biden’s defense argued during the trial that prosecutors needed to prove he was actively using drugs at the time of the gun purchase. The jury ultimately returned a guilty verdict after deliberating for less than three hours.

Hunter Biden will be sentenced by U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika, who has overseen the case. The sentencing date of November 13 falls just eight days after the presidential election. In addition to his current conviction, Hunter Biden is also facing a separate trial in California where he is charged with nine federal tax charges in a case brought by special counsel David Weiss. He pleaded not guilty to the six misdemeanor counts and three felony counts in December and the trial for that case is set to begin on September 5.

Melissa Quinn is a politics reporter for and has written for various outlets. She covers U.S. politics with a focus on the Supreme Court and federal courts. The coverage of Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict and upcoming sentencing highlights the legal issues surrounding the president’s son and the potential consequences he may face as a result of his actions. The case has drawn attention due to Hunter Biden’s familial connection to the president and the severity of the charges brought against him.

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