Two teenage brothers from Maine, Colin and Wyatt Yager, captured footage of a mid-breach whale hitting a small boat off the coast of New Hampshire, causing it to capsize and throwing two fishermen overboard. The video went viral on social media, garnering millions of views and hundreds of comments. The Yager brothers, on a neighboring vessel, quickly rescued the fishermen after their boat capsized near Odiorne Point in Rye, New Hampshire. The incident has sparked warnings to residents to be cautious of a “pissed off whale” in the area.

Wyatt Yager initially wasn’t concerned about the whale, as all the boats were staying near the edge of a school of fish to allow the whale to feed. However, the whale got too close to the vessel, causing it to tip over. Other nearby boats immediately rushed to help the fishermen who had been thrown into the ocean. Luckily, neither the men nor the whale sustained any injuries in the incident, and the Coast Guard was contacted to assist in the situation. The fishermen recounted the shock and disbelief of the sudden whale encounter, with the Yager brothers stepping in to help without hesitation.

The Coast Guard was alerted to the capsized boat in Rye, just a few miles from Portsmouth, on a Tuesday morning. The fishermen involved in the incident were out fishing for menhaden when the whale struck their boat, sending them into a chaotic situation. Greg Paquette and Ryland Kenney described the moment the whale collided with their boat, causing it to capsize and hurl them into the water. The men were able to swim away from the sinking boat, but quickly became exhausted after the initial burst of adrenaline wore off.

After the men were rescued by the Yager brothers, they were taken to a friend’s boat before the Coast Guard arrived. Both Paquette and Kenney expressed their gratitude for the swift actions of the teens in rescuing them. The fishermen were brought to Great Cove Boat Club in Eliot, Maine, following the ordeal, where they reflected on the emotional intensity of the day’s events. Despite the shock and confusion of the situation, everyone involved was thankful for the quick response and assistance provided by those on nearby vessels.

The video of the whale striking the boat led to various reactions online, with many highlighting the quick instincts of Colin Yager as he responded to the unexpected breach. Several users commented on Colin’s reaction, noting how he immediately turned around and prepared to leave the area. Some viewers noted that the whale was likely breaching near a school of baitfish, leading to the unfortunate timing of the collision with the boat. While the incident sparked internet memes and discussions, both the fishermen and the teens who assisted in the rescue were commended for their quick thinking and actions in a potentially dangerous situation.

In the aftermath of the event, the Yager brothers became unintentional internet sensations for their role in rescuing the fishermen from the capsized boat. The dramatic footage captured by the teens highlighted the unpredictability of nature and the quick response required in emergency situations. Despite the shock and adrenaline of the moment, everyone involved in the incident emerged unharmed, with a newfound appreciation for the importance of staying vigilant and prepared while out on the water. The viral video served as a reminder of the powerful forces of nature that can sometimes unexpectedly intervene in human activities.

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