Howard Stern and Jerry Seinfeld recently had a public dispute after Seinfeld claimed that Stern isn’t very funny on the “Fly on the Wall” podcast. Seinfeld, 70, later issued an apology to Stern, 70, after his comments went viral. Stern addressed the situation on “The Howard Stern Show” and revealed that Seinfeld called him immediately to apologize for his remarks, which Stern accepted graciously. Stern expressed that he doesn’t consider Seinfeld’s comments to be a big deal and was happy to forgive his friend for the misunderstanding.

Seinfeld wanted to come on Stern’s SiriusXM radio show to apologize in person, but Stern declined the offer, stating that it wasn’t necessary and that he didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. Stern admitted that he has made mistakes on the air before and had to apologize to others, so he understands that sometimes things are said that shouldn’t have been. Seinfeld had mentioned that he thinks other podcasters have outflanked Stern in terms of comedy, but later took back his criticisms in an apology where he clarified his intentions and expressed his continued respect and admiration for Stern.

Seinfeld acknowledged Stern’s contributions to comedy interview podcasts and called him a great interviewer but stated that other podcasts are now surpassing Stern. Despite this, Stern had previously praised Seinfeld for his comedic talents during an appearance on “The View” in 2019. Stern called Seinfeld accomplished while acknowledging the work of several comedians he has interviewed throughout his career. Stern addressed Seinfeld’s comments on his show, emphasizing that he doesn’t consider Seinfeld’s opinion to be a significant matter and was quick to forgive him for the confusion.

Even though Seinfeld had initially criticized Stern’s comedy skills, he later clarified that he misspoke and didn’t mean to sound insulting. Seinfeld expressed regret over his choice of words and assured Stern that none of the other podcasts are a threat to his show. The King of All Media accepted Seinfeld’s apology, expressing that he appreciated the gesture and didn’t view the situation as a major issue between friends. Stern highlighted that he has made mistakes in the past and understands how comments can be misinterpreted, showing his understanding and compassion for Seinfeld’s apology.

Stern and Seinfeld, who have been friends for many years, were able to resolve the misunderstanding and move past the disagreement. Seinfeld’s initial comments may have caused a brief rift between the two, but his quick apology and clarification helped to mend the situation. Stern demonstrated his forgiving nature by accepting Seinfeld’s apology and emphasizing that he doesn’t hold grudges against friends. The public dispute between the two comedy icons may have stirred some controversy, but ultimately, their friendship prevailed, showcasing the importance of understanding and forgiveness in resolving conflicts.

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