A woman from Steubenville, Ohio, named Rachel, shared a TikTok video where she claimed that her Stanley cup saved her life after a stray bullet entered her home during a shootout. The video went viral, garnering over 3.1 million views. In the clip, Rachel showcased the damage caused by the bullet in her home, with one bullet managing to make its way inside and create a massive hole in the wall. The Stanley cup, made of durable stainless steel, was only slightly bruised when it was hit by the bullet, unlike other household items that suffered damage.

Despite the terrifying experience, Rachel and her fiance hid until the police arrived and collected the bullet. Many viewers of the video were shocked and impressed by the cup’s strength, with some commenting that they believed Stanley cups were immortal after witnessing this incident. Rachel later posted a follow-up video showing more images from the scene, including the exterior of her home where the bullet entered, the stray bullet on her kitchen floor, and authorities investigating the incident. She described it as one of the scariest days of her life.

The incident involving Rachel’s Stanley cup is not the first time a Stanley cup has been involved in a strange and miraculous circumstance. Another TikTok user named Danielle shared a video showcasing the aftermath of a fire in her car where everything was destroyed except for her Stanley cup, which remained unscathed and still had ice in it. These incidents have led to further speculation about the durability and strength of Stanley cups, with many people expressing their belief that the cups have a unique ability to withstand extreme situations.

Stanley cups are known for their durability, being made of high-quality stainless steel and being BPS/BPA-free according to the Stanley website. The fact that Rachel’s cup was able to withstand a bullet hitting it during a shootout adds to the mystique surrounding these popular cups. The incident also left Rachel and her fiance shaken, but grateful that the cup was able to protect them from harm. They were relieved to have escaped the situation without any serious injuries and were thankful for the cup’s role in saving their lives.

The story of Rachel’s Stanley cup being hit by a bullet during a shootout has captured the attention of many on social media, with the video going viral and generating widespread interest. The incident serves as a reminder of the unexpected ways in which everyday objects can play a crucial role in ensuring safety during potentially dangerous situations. Rachel’s experience has sparked discussions about the resilience of Stanley cups and has led to further speculation about their seemingly indestructible nature, as evidenced by the various incidents involving the cups in recent times.

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