Viola Davis has undergone a significant shift in how she views her body over the years, moving from a desire to be thin and willowy to embracing her muscular physique and focusing on strength. This transformation was highlighted as she starred in the movie “The Woman King,” where her physical strength was celebrated in every way. In an interview, Davis expressed her belief that femininity should also be associated with physical strength, not just being slim and petite. She believes that it is important for women to be seen as physically strong in media.

Davis’ dedication to maintaining her physical strength is evident in her workout routine and diet, as revealed by her personal trainer, Gabriela Mclain. Described as disciplined and consistent, Davis focuses on full-body exercises during her training sessions. She incorporates cardio kickboxing, heavy weights, and resistance bands to build strong and fast legs. Despite being 53, Davis has intensified her workouts and goes above and beyond to stay fit, embodying a strong work ethic and commitment to her fitness regimen.

In preparation for movie roles that require intense physical training, such as “The Woman King” and “Widows,” Davis has undergone grueling workout sessions that push her to her limits. For “The Woman King,” she engaged in five hours of training per day, involving weight training, martial arts, and intense cardio. Additionally, her trainer encouraged her to undergo a DNA health analysis to customize her exercise routine based on genetic predispositions, optimizing performance and health outcomes.

Her diet also plays a crucial role in her overall health and fitness journey, especially in managing her risk for type 2 diabetes. Through smaller portions and regular meals, Davis has been able to maintain lean muscle mass and reduce body fat storage. She incorporates healthier alternatives like cauliflower pizza crust and yam noodles to balance her meals and make more informed food choices. Her preparation for “The Woman King” involved a meal plan focused on complex carbs, protein, healthy fats, and multiple meals a day to support her muscle-building goals.

Davis’ commitment to kickboxing and high-intensity workouts showcases her dedication to staying agile and maintaining an elevated metabolism. She approaches her workouts with enthusiasm, often engaging in early morning sessions to balance her busy schedule. Her passion for fitness extends beyond just physical appearance, as she prioritizes strength and endurance to embody the characters she portrays on screen. Overall, Davis’ journey towards embracing her physical strength serves as an inspiration for women seeking to redefine societal standards of femininity and prioritize inner power and resilience. Through her dedication to fitness, Davis continues to challenge conventional norms and promote a holistic approach to health and well-being.

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