The highly anticipated Studio Ghibli movie, The Boy and the Heron, will begin streaming on Max in the US on Friday. The film, which won the best animated feature Academy Award earlier this year, is a semi-autobiographical tale centered on a young boy, Mahito, who follows a gray heron into another world after losing his mother. The movie was written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, who came out of retirement to create this feature, marking his first film in 10 years. The English-dubbed version of the film includes voices from Christian Bale, Willem Dafoe, Robert Pattinson, Florence Pugh, and more.

Viewers in the US can watch The Boy and the Heron on Max starting on Friday, September 6. The typical release time for new titles on Max is 12:01 a.m. PT (3:01 a.m. ET). Netflix will also carry the film outside of the US and Japan, but the release date for other regions has not been announced. Max offers different pricing tiers, ranging from $10 to $21 per month, depending on the plan chosen. There are various ways to access Max, from subscribing directly to bundling with other services or taking advantage of promotions such as the ad-supported version being free for Cricket Wireless customers on specific plans.

For those traveling abroad and wanting to stream Max, using a VPN can be beneficial. A VPN can help change your location virtually, allowing you to access content from anywhere in the world. It also encrypts your traffic, preventing ISPs from throttling your speeds, and provides an extra layer of privacy and security when using public Wi-Fi networks. Using a VPN for streaming can ensure a smoother experience, as long as it is legal in your country and you have a valid subscription. ExpressVPN is a recommended option, as it offers fast and stable streams on various devices, with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Before streaming The Boy and the Heron on Max using a VPN, follow the provider’s installation instructions and select a country where the movie will be available. Make sure to connect to your VPN before opening the streaming app and verify your network connections if streaming on multiple devices. In case of connection issues, ensure your VPN is running on the correct IP address, follow installation instructions accurately, and reboot your device if necessary. Some streaming services may restrict VPN access, so troubleshooting may be required to resolve any issues.

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