The Boy and the Heron, a 2023 fantasy adventure film directed by Hayao Miyazaki, has recently begun streaming on Max in the US. The film won the Academy Award for best animated feature and is a semi-autobiographical tale about life, death, and creation. The story follows a young boy named Mahito who follows a gray heron into another world after losing his mother. This is Miyazaki’s first feature film in 10 years, and he came out of retirement to make it. The English-dubbed version of the film features voices of Christian Bale, Willem Dafoe, Robert Pattinson, Florence Pugh, and more.

Viewers in the US can watch The Boy and the Heron on Max now, while Netflix will carry the film outside of the US and Japan on a yet-to-be-announced date. Max offers different subscription tiers ranging from $10 to $21 per month, and there are various ways to access the service, such as through a bundle with Hulu and Disney Plus, student discounts, or annual plans. The Boy and the Heron can also be purchased for $10 on platforms like Amazon and Fandango at Home. Max also offers an annual price for all its tiers to save money over paying for individual months.

For viewers traveling abroad, using a VPN can allow them to access the content on Max from anywhere in the world. A VPN can also help encrypt traffic to prevent throttling by internet service providers and add an extra layer of privacy when connecting to Wi-Fi networks. Streaming TV can be smoother with a reliable VPN that meets security standards. Popular VPN providers like ExpressVPN are recommended, as they offer fast speeds and stable streams for streaming content securely. By following the provider’s instructions for installation and selecting the appropriate region, users can access content like The Boy and the Heron on Max.

ExpressVPN, as recognized by Editors’ Choice, offers a 30-day money-back guarantee and works on multiple devices for streaming content securely. By choosing a country where The Boy and the Heron is streaming on Max and ensuring the VPN is connected, viewers can access the film without restrictions. If issues arise during streaming, users can restart their device, connect to the VPN, and double-check their network settings for a smooth experience. Some streaming services may restrict VPN access, so troubleshooting steps may be necessary to ensure uninterrupted viewing.

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