Actress Jamie Lee Curtis recently revealed that a key to her 40-year marriage to actor Christopher Guest is allowing for moments of genuine hatred. She explained that there are times when the couple feels like they want to hate each other, but those moments pass, and they are able to move on together. Relationship experts agree that experiencing occasional feelings of hatred towards a partner is normal and common in long-term relationships. The important thing is how couples handle these emotions and work through them.

Marriage and family therapist Jane Greer suggests that it is unrealistic to expect to love your partner unconditionally all the time. She believes that hating the person you love is a common experience and should be acknowledged and addressed. It is important to communicate openly and honestly about these feelings in order to prevent them from growing into larger problems. Sweating the small stuff, like addressing annoying habits or behaviors early on, can prevent these small issues from escalating into bigger conflicts.

To effectively address irritating habits or behaviors in a relationship, it is important to find the right time and approach to have a discussion. Terri Orbuch, a sociology professor and author, recommends starting the conversation with positives before addressing the specific issue. Using an XYZ statement can help to communicate your feelings and concerns in a constructive way. By focusing on the behavior rather than attacking the person’s character, it allows for a more productive conversation and resolution.

In order to strengthen a relationship and build up positive emotions, it is important to highlight loving moments and express appreciation for your partner’s gestures. Greer suggests labeling these positive moments and expressing gratitude for them in order to reinforce positive feelings in the relationship. By acknowledging and appreciating the efforts and gestures made by your partner, it helps to create a reservoir of positive emotions that can counterbalance any feelings of hatred or negativity that may arise.

Overall, it is normal for couples in long-term relationships to experience moments of hatred or frustration towards each other. The key is to communicate openly and address these issues early on in order to prevent them from escalating. By expressing appreciation for your partner and focusing on moments of love and connection, it can help to maintain a healthy and strong relationship. It is important to acknowledge and work through these emotions in order to strengthen the bond between partners and ensure a lasting and fulfilling relationship.

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