Erik Pham, the Founder of Health Canal, recently shared insights on overcoming a fear of public speaking, a common issue that affects up to 30% of the population. He highlighted how a fear of public speaking can impact business leaders in terms of conveying ideas effectively, limiting career advancement, and eroding confidence in leadership roles. Pham acknowledged his own journey towards becoming more confident in public speaking, emphasizing that it is a normal fear that can be addressed with the right strategies.

Public speaking anxiety, also known as “glossophobia,” is a social anxiety disorder that can cause moderate to extreme levels of discomfort and anxiety when speaking to crowds. Healthline notes that anxiety disorders go beyond occasional worrying or nervousness, with symptoms such as panic attacks, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, and shaky voice and hands being common. Pham advised taking a holistic approach to overcome a fear of public speaking, offering practical tips for leaders looking to improve their public speaking skills.

Pham suggested practicing with small groups before addressing larger crowds to build confidence and manage performance nerves. Visualizing positive outcomes and focusing on delivering a clear message rather than aiming for perfection can help reduce pressure and anxiety related to public speaking. He also emphasized the importance of early preparation, seeking feedback from others, and taking steps to look and feel confident before speaking on stage. Additionally, seeking support from a business coach or mental health professional can be beneficial for those experiencing extreme symptoms of speech anxiety.

While public speaking can be a daunting experience for many leaders, with time, practice, and support, it is possible to overcome a fear of speaking publicly. Pham encouraged leaders to work on managing their fears, preparing effectively, and seeking assistance when needed to become confident and effective public speakers. He emphasized that overcoming a fear of public speaking requires dedication, effort, and patience, but in the end, the rewards are worth it. As always, it is important to consult with a qualified healthcare provider for personalized advice and support related to managing anxiety and improving public speaking skills.

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