TAP Air Portugal has implemented a strategy to build scale beyond its borders, resulting in just 20% of its passengers being Portuguese. Catarina Índio, TAP’s Head of Onboard and Ground Product, is focused on incorporating the concept of Portugality into the passenger experience. This includes reflecting Portuguese culture, cuisine, and products as a part of the journey. The goal is to be distinctive and offer a competitive advantage by embracing Portuguese identity on board, regardless of the destination.

One of TAP’s initiatives to bring Portugality to life is the Local Stars project, where twelve chefs create region-specific dishes for business class passengers on long-haul flights departing from Lisbon. The focus is on showcasing local cuisine while considering seasonality and practicality at 35,000 feet. Despite the emphasis on high-spending passengers, TAP still aims to incorporate Portugality in economy class menus by using local recipes and ingredients. The airline is committed to supporting Portuguese suppliers, even if it means paying more for distinctive local products.

Maintaining a balance between promoting Portuguese culture and meeting international requirements can be challenging. TAP’s commitment to serving traditional dishes like octopus onboard reflects this delicate balance. While adapting to cater to passengers’ diverse tastes, the airline ensures that passengers always have the option to choose a dish they prefer. However, certain traditional products popular in Portugal, such as pork, may be replaced to respect dietary and cultural restrictions. TAP also faces limitations in showcasing traditional cheeses due to restrictions on serving only pasteurized dairy products.

In addition to focusing on food and wine to differentiate itself, TAP has launched initiatives like the Altitude Film Festival to offer entertainment reflecting Portuguese culture. Filmmakers are invited to submit films focusing on Portuguese culture or shot in Portuguese territories for in-flight screening. Passenger feedback plays a critical role in refining the onboard experience, with detailed reports from cabin crew analyzed to make improvements. TAP’s Net Promoter Score is monitored closely to ensure customer satisfaction. The airline’s popular stopover program allows passengers to enjoy a break in Lisbon or Porto, showcasing local hospitality even for those who do not leave the airport.

Overall, TAP Air Portugal’s focus on incorporating Portugality into the passenger experience reflects a commitment to showcasing Portuguese culture, cuisine, and products. Despite the challenges of balancing international requirements with local traditions, the airline is determined to offer a distinctive and competitive advantage. By engaging with customers, supporting local suppliers, and implementing initiatives that promote Portuguese culture, TAP aims to enhance the overall passenger experience and stand out in the global aviation industry.

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