Growing up in poverty can have long-lasting effects on an individual, from financial trauma to everyday habits that are hard to let go of. Reddit user u/tiredofw8ing recently asked the platform to share the dead giveaway signs that somebody grew up poor, and the responses were insightful. Some of the top comments included habits like making “poor people sandwiches,” being afraid to use nice things for fear of ruining them, disproportionately wasting time to save a few dollars, and never showing teeth when smiling due to a lack of dental care. Other signs included only using part of a stick of chewing gum at a time, looking for off-brand products, and saving extra items from eating out.

One Redditor mentioned that they had no control over their spending habits and often indulged in meals like hot dogs in mac and cheese, which were staples from their childhood. Another common habit mentioned was food hoarding, with many individuals experiencing a surplus of expiring food in their pantries. Additionally, viewing paper plates and towels as luxury items, never turning down free food, and still packing food for road trips, even when it’s not necessary, were noted as signs of growing up poor.

Several Reddit users shared their experiences with habits like eating rice with soy sauce as a full meal, collecting soda cans for recycling, and always ordering the cheapest item on the menu, despite being able to afford more. There were also mentions of reusing and repurposing items, bulking up meals with carrots to save on meat costs, and not being able to let go of broken objects due to potential future use. Valuing experiences over material possessions, saving money instead of investing out of fear, and the practice of breakfast for dinner as a special treat were also highlighted as signs of growing up in poverty.

Some users mentioned the practice of washing and reusing plastic bags and aluminum foil, as well as the struggle of boiling water on a stove for showers during tough times. Lack of vacations, fear of losing money by investing, and the habit of having a precise amount in the bank account down to the cents were also noted as common behaviors among those who grew up poor. Lastly, the selfless act of parents going without food so their children could eat was mentioned as a habit that carries on to the next generation, even when it is no longer necessary. These habits serve as reminders of the upbringing and hardships faced during childhood, shaping the behaviors and perspectives of individuals long into adulthood.

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