Josh McCown, the Minnesota Vikings’ quarterbacks coach, displays an impressive command of both his personal history and the varying offensive strategies of his previous coordinators. McCown, a former NFL quarterback, takes a playful yet intentional approach to coaching, with his teaching style drawing heavily from his own playing experience. The veteran has been with 14 different coordinators, each providing him with unique insights that he now shares with his mentees such as current Vikings quarterback, Sam Darnold.

One aspect of McCown’s approach emphasizes trusting instincts and making bold decisions, a lesson he learned from his initial encounter with coordinator Mike Martz in 2006. Martz, a celebrated St. Louis Rams’ head coach, taught McCown the importance of making calculated passes rather than merely seeking the open man. Martz’s influence also included varying the intensity of his game based on situational factors and valuing specificity in decision-making.

Another significant influence in McCown’s teaching style is Marc Trestman, who served as the Chicago Bears’ head coach during McCown’s time there in 2013. Trestman simplified McCown’s post-snap decision-making process, providing a sense of certainty for the quarterback on where to aim his passes. This kind of clear direction is something McCown also strives to provide in his coaching, lessening the mental strain for his quarterbacks inside the high-pressure game environment.

Another key figure in the formation of McCown’s coaching approach is the Vikings’ head coach Kevin O’Connell. The pair share a mutual respect and understanding of the game’s pressures and intricacies. They met in 2015 in Cleveland, where they discovered a shared passion for discussing favorite concepts, verbiage, and teaching philosophies. McCown particularly admired O’Connell’s humility and his willingness to seek advice, an attribute linked to their ongoing professional relationship.

McCown emphasizes the importance of synchronizing a quarterback’s movements with decision-making processes. He trains his quarterbacks to consistently align their visual focus with their lower body movements, creating a consistent, fluid motion. The emphasis on “tying the quarterback’s feet and eyes together” is a core part of McCown’s coaching philosophy, aiming to foster a connection between physical actions and mental processes in his players.

With years of diverse experience and rich influences, McCown enjoys a uniquely empathetic viewpoint as a coach. He encourages his players to take bold decisions, but remains supportive during their low points, understanding the pressures that come with the position. His former coordinators may have profoundly shaped his approach to the game, but it is his own experience that allows him to effectively empathize with, support, and ultimately guide his players to success.

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