President Biden announced a large-scale immigration program that will provide legal status, a path to residency, and citizenship to around 500,000 unauthorized immigrants married to American citizens. These immigrants will be able to apply for work permits and deportation protections if they have lived in the U.S. for at least 10 years and meet other requirements. This program will also unlock a path to permanent residency and ultimately U.S. citizenship for many beneficiaries, allowing them to remain with their families in the United States.

The policy is the largest government program for undocumented immigrants since the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) initiative under the Obama administration, which currently protects 528,000 “Dreamers” from deportation. President Biden made the announcement of this program at a White House event, coinciding with the 12th anniversary of DACA. This move is in line with previous actions taken by the Biden administration to address immigration issues, including making it easier for employers to sponsor “Dreamers” and other undocumented immigrants for work visas.

The Biden administration’s program for undocumented immigrants married to U.S. citizens includes two key immigration benefits. Eligible applicants will be able to work and live in the U.S. legally on a temporary basis under the immigration parole authority, known as “Parole in Place.” This policy will also help immigrants overcome barriers in U.S. law that prevent them from obtaining permanent legal status without having to leave the country. The program aims to streamline the process for these immigrants to obtain green cards and eventually apply for U.S. citizenship.

One of the key challenges addressed by this policy is the requirement for immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally to leave the country and re-enter legally to be eligible for a green card. Leaving the U.S. can trigger a 10-year ban for these individuals, leading to difficulties for mixed-status families. The Biden administration’s policy will allow eligible immigrants with U.S. citizen spouses to obtain green cards without having to leave the country. It is estimated that around 500,000 unauthorized immigrants with U.S. citizen spouses will qualify for the program, with additional benefits for immigrant children and stepchildren of U.S. citizens.

The policy is expected to open for applications by the end of the summer, but it may face legal challenges from Republican-led states, as the Biden administration has faced lawsuits over its immigration policies in the past. The government is also planning to streamline the process for DACA recipients and other undocumented immigrants who have graduated from U.S. colleges to obtain employment-based visas more easily, such as H-1B visas for high-skilled workers. These efforts showcase the administration’s commitment to addressing immigration issues and providing pathways to legal status for undocumented individuals in the United States.

Overall, President Biden’s immigration program for unauthorized immigrants married to U.S. citizens represents a significant step towards providing legal status, residency, and potential citizenship to a large segment of the undocumented population. By unlocking pathways to permanent residency and citizenship, the program aims to keep families together and provide opportunities for individuals who have been living in the U.S. for an extended period. While the policy is likely to face legal challenges, it underscores the administration’s commitment to addressing immigration reform and providing relief to immigrant communities.

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