Picking a major is a significant decision that can impact your future career trajectory. Gen Z is questioning the value of a four-year degree, but for those choosing to invest in education, there are more options than ever before. This decision involves finding a balance between passion, practicality, and financial considerations in today’s increasingly challenging environment. Astrologer Adela Belin discusses how astrology can provide insights into choosing a major that aligns with your celestial blueprint.

Belin suggests that astrology can help individuals discover careers that resonate with their inherent qualities based on their zodiac signs. For Aries, she recommends majors like Entrepreneurship, Political Science, or Sports Management, as they thrive in leadership roles and fast-paced environments. Taurus individuals, being Venus-ruled, may find success in fields like Architecture, Cannabis Biology and Chemistry, or Culinary Arts. Geminis, known for social skills and curiosity, excel in areas such as Communications, Journalism, and Psychology.

Cancer individuals, ruled by the moon, are nurturing and intuitive, making them well-suited for careers like Pre-med, Nursing, Social Work, or Education. Leos, governed by the sun, are natural born leaders who thrive in creative fields like Marketing, Public Relations, Arts Management, and Theater Arts. Virgos are meticulous and detail-oriented, excelling in majors like Health Sciences, Environmental Science, Hospitality Management, and Civil Engineering.

Libras are diplomatic and aesthetically inclined, making them suitable for careers in Law, International Relations, Art History, Public Relations, and Fashion. Scorpios, known for intensity and intuition, may excel in Criminology, Psychology, Counseling, or Performance Art. Sagittarius individuals are optimistic and independent, pursuing majors in areas like Anthropology, Philosophy, Travel and Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation. Capricorns are disciplined and diligent, making majors in Archeology, Business Administration, Economics, and Engineering suitable for them.

Aquarius individuals are forward-thinking and tech-savvy, with majors in Computer Science, Social Justice, Sociology, Environmental Law, and Anthropology aligning well with their interests. Pisces individuals, ruled by Neptune, are empathetic and imaginative, making them well-suited for majors in areas like Foresight, Fine Arts, Music, Psychology, Art Therapy, and Animal Science. Overall, astrology can provide insights and guidance for individuals seeking to make decisions about their future careers based on their zodiac signs and personality traits.

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