Goran Stolevski, a Macedonian-born, Australian-raised writer and director, known for his acclaimed film “Of an Age,” drew inspiration from a friend’s old photograph for his latest work, “Housekeeping for Beginners.” The film follows Dita, a social worker in North Macedonia, and her attempt to adopt the daughters of her live-in girlfriend, who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. To do so, she coerces a gay housemate, Toni, to marry her in order to appear as a heterosexual couple. This arrangement is not far-fetched in a country where LGBTQ+ discrimination is still prevalent, and same-sex marriage remains illegal.

Stolevski initially envisioned “Housekeeping for Beginners” to take place in Australia, where he has spent most of his adult life. However, to avoid a period piece, he shifted the story to his birthplace in Macedonia, describing it as representative of Eastern and Southern Europe. The film explores the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in a country where discrimination is still prominent. Dita and Toni work together to navigate the legal system and keep their household intact, but struggles arise, particularly with the rebellious behavior of Suada’s daughter, Vanesa.

Authenticity and realism were priorities for Stolevski in “Housekeeping for Beginners.” He encouraged improvisation from his experienced cast members and included first-time screen actors in principal roles. The film reflects a sense of family both on-screen and off-screen, with Stolevski fostering a collaborative environment for the cast and crew. Early reviews of the film have been positive, with critics praising it as a “riveting domestic drama” that could establish Stolevski as a prominent figure in modern queer cinema.

Stolevski’s future projects aim to explore LGBTQ+ life in different cultural contexts, including India and Korea. He is interested in portraying outsider characters in his films and rejects the notion that queer stories are niche or limited in their universal appeal. Through his work, he seeks to capture the specificities of queer experiences in different times and places and highlight the common humanity shared by all individuals. Stolevski’s artistic vision and commitment to depicting authentic LGBTQ+ narratives position him as a promising filmmaker in the realm of contemporary queer cinema.

“Housekeeping for Beginners” offers a poignant portrayal of family, love, and resilience in the face of adversity. The film examines the complexities of LGBTQ+ life in a country where acceptance is not widespread and the legal and social challenges faced by queer individuals are significant. Stolevski’s ability to create nuanced, compelling characters and tell emotionally resonant stories sets him apart as a talented filmmaker with a unique perspective on queer experiences. With his dedication to authenticity and a commitment to showcasing the universal aspects of queer narratives, Stolevski is poised to make a lasting impact on the world of cinema and contribute meaningful insights to the representation of LGBTQ+ individuals on screen.

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