House Republicans have issued a report accusing President Biden of committing impeachable offenses, specifically “abuse of power” and “obstruction of justice or obstruction of Congress.” The report alleges that Biden participated in an influence-peddling scheme involving his family members, first son Hunter and first brother James. The investigation into these allegations began in September 2023 and culminated in a 291-page report by three House committees that detailed interactions with foreign business partners during Biden’s time as vice president in the Obama administration.

The report claims that Biden, with the full knowledge and cooperation of President Biden, engaged in a global influence peddling racket that made millions of dollars for the family. It highlights instances where foreign entities funneled money to shell companies and accounts linked to the Biden family, enabling the sale of the “Biden brand” to associates in countries like Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia, and China. The report also suggests that Biden used his position of power to provide access to his family members in exchange for payments, benefiting their business interests.

Republicans believe that Biden’s actions amount to one of the most egregious abuses of power in U.S. history, as the Biden family leveraged Joe Biden’s public roles to obtain loans and financial benefits from Democratic benefactors. The report details instances where Hunter Biden received payments from foreign sources and Democratic donors, while Joe Biden allegedly intervened in matters such as a Ukrainian prosecutor’s firing and dealt with Chinese business connections involving his son and first brother.

The report also accuses the White House of obstructing the investigation by withholding access to important witnesses and records, including emails where Biden used a pseudonym to communicate with his son’s business associates. Additionally, the report highlights the involvement of Biden’s Justice Department in interfering with a criminal probe of Hunter’s taxes related to his business dealings, citing whistleblowers who made protected disclosures to congressional investigators. The Republicans argue that Biden’s obstruction of Congress alone is a high crime and misdemeanor under the Constitution.

Despite the findings in the report, it is unlikely that Republicans will be able to secure enough votes to impeach President Biden, given the current political dynamics in the House. However, the report adds another layer of controversy to Biden’s presidency and raises questions about his family’s business dealings. Democrats have defended Biden, arguing that there is no concrete evidence of wrongdoing and that he was simply a supportive father to his son Hunter, who has struggled with addiction issues. The report’s release comes just hours before Biden is due to speak on the opening night of the Democratic National Convention, underscoring the political divisions surrounding his presidency.

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