House Republicans released a scathing report on Sunday, blaming the chaotic end of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan on President Biden’s administration. The report minimizes the role of former President Trump, who had signed the withdrawal deal with the Taliban in 2020. The investigation led by Texas Republican Rep. Michael McCaul revealed that the Biden administration had the information and opportunity to plan for the collapse of the Afghan government but chose optics over security. The report was criticized by the White House for cherry-picking facts and having preexisting biases.

The House Republicans’ report focused on the months leading up to the removal of U.S. troops, alleging that Biden and his administration undermined high-ranking officials and ignored warnings as the Taliban swiftly took over key cities. The withdrawal from Afghanistan ended a nearly two-decade occupation by U.S. and allied forces aimed at rooting out al-Qaida militants responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Despite the billions spent in building the Afghan government and military, the Taliban easily overthrew them, raising concerns about the resurgence of extremist groups in the region.

The Republican report also highlighted the decision-making process behind the withdrawal, pointing to limited input from military and civilian leaders on the ground in Afghanistan. It criticized the Biden administration for proceeding with the withdrawal despite the Taliban breaking key agreements in the deal, such as entering talks with the Afghan government. The report also raised concerns about the vulnerability of U.S. embassy staff in Kabul, citing a lack of security for personnel once U.S. forces left. State Department officials were accused of downplaying threats to U.S. personnel as the withdrawal date approached.

The report by House Republicans did not spare Vice President Kamala Harris, attributing overall responsibility to her as an adviser to Biden. However, the report did not specify any actions or counsel by Harris that contributed to the failures in the Afghan withdrawal. The investigation, which spanned over 18 months, included testimony from senior officials and reviewed thousands of State Department documents. The withdrawal issue has become a campaign topic, with Trump and his allies trying to use it against Harris in the ongoing presidential race.

The House Republican report criticized both Biden and Trump for their roles in the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. It highlighted Trump’s 2020 deal with the Taliban to withdraw American forces by the spring of the next year as a contributing factor to the chaotic end of the war. The report faulted former Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad for the Trump administration’s actions in negotiations with the Taliban. Despite the failures in planning and execution, the report emphasized the need to learn from the mistakes made in Afghanistan to prevent similar situations in the future.

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