Speaker Mike Johnson was successful in passing foreign aid after months of fighting over sending funds to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, despite facing potential threats to his speakership. Some Republicans are considering supporting Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s efforts to remove Johnson, but they decided to wait for members to hear from their constituents before moving forward. Greene and Rep. Thomas Massie are confident that more members will turn against Johnson as they return to their districts and hear from angry base supporters.

Although some Republicans are still hesitant to support the removal of Johnson, many, like Rep. Lauren Boebert, expressed their fury over the foreign aid bills and blamed Johnson for their passage. Members of the House expressed discontent over the presence of Ukrainian flags during the vote on aid to Ukraine, with some Republicans booing them and calling for their removal. As tensions rose, lawmakers awaited Greene or Massie to trigger a vote to oust Johnson, but no additional action was taken by the House Freedom Caucus.

Johnson defended his decision to pass the foreign aid package, brushing off the threat to his position as speaker. Some GOP colleagues commended his bravery in pushing forward with the aid bills, despite opposition from conservatives. Johnson’s fate as speaker remains uncertain as Democrats are expected to support him against any ouster threats, but the Republicans could continue to attempt to remove him multiple times, forcing a decision among the minority party.

House Democrats didn’t discuss the motion to vacate before the vote on foreign aid, but some are likely to back Johnson now that the aid package has passed. Democrats believe that moving forward together is essential to prevent a small group of rebel Republicans from obstructing House business. Johnson will need Democratic support to counter any ouster attempts from his own party, especially as Rep. Mike Gallagher’s departure reduces the number of Republicans in the House.

Some Republicans, like Rep. Chip Roy, expressed frustration with Johnson’s handling of the foreign aid bills, describing the votes as a disaster. Despite discontent within the GOP ranks, Johnson will have to navigate the challenges to his speakership and rely on Democratic support to continue leading the House. The brewing tensions within the Republican Party could escalate further as members return to their districts and assess the fallout from the foreign aid vote.

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