The House voted on Saturday to approve $95 billion in foreign aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, with Speaker Mike Johnson risking his job to advance the aid package. Despite opposition from some Republicans, bipartisan coalitions supported fresh rounds of funding for the U.S. allies, as well as a bill that could result in a nationwide ban of TikTok. The legislation included funds for Kyiv, Israel, humanitarian aid for civilians in conflict zones, and the Indo-Pacific region, as well as measures to sell off frozen Russian assets. The Senate is expected to pass the legislation soon.

The political risk taken by Mr. Johnson was reflected in the scene on the House floor, with Democrats waving Ukrainian flags while hard-right Republicans jeered. The bill directs the president to seek repayment from Ukraine of $10 billion in economic assistance, but allows for loan forgiveness starting in 2026. The vote in favor of aid for Ukraine was 311 to 112, with most Republicans opposing it. The House also approved assistance to Israel and Taiwan, as well as sanctions on Iran and measures related to TikTok.

President Biden praised the vote, emphasizing the importance of American leadership on the world stage. President Zelensky of Ukraine thanked lawmakers for supporting the aid bill, stating that it will help prevent further escalation of the war. Concerns had been raised about whether Congress would approve new funding for Ukraine, but Mr. Johnson led efforts to secure the aid package despite opposition from some members of his party.

Mr. Johnson’s decision to advance the aid package was met with criticism from ultraconservative members of his party, who accused him of reneging on promises. The bill faced opposition from some liberal Democrats, particularly regarding aid to Israel, but still passed with overwhelming support. Much of the funding for Ukraine is aimed at replenishing U.S. stockpiles after providing supplies to Kyiv during Russia’s invasion in 2022. Despite some opposition and challenges, the aid package is expected to be passed by the Senate and signed into law.

The passage of the aid package reflects a significant bipartisan effort to support U.S. allies and address international crises. The funding for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, as well as measures related to Iran and TikTok, are seen as crucial for national security interests. The aid bill has been hailed as a necessary step to uphold American values and protect democracy around the world. The House vote and subsequent Senate approval mark important progress in providing assistance to countries in need during times of conflict and crisis.

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